时间:2023-02-10 08:17:21
为全面贯彻党的教育方针,落实立德树人根本任务,培育德智体美全面发展的VBS学生,7月6日、7日下午,“寻找最美万双少年——活力+美德+智慧好少年专场” 评选活动分别在深圳万科双语学校剧场举行,由各班级推荐的34名优秀学生进行了精彩的现场演讲。 Finding the most beautiful youth in VBS for Vitality, Morality, Wisdom Youth' was held on 6th July and 7th July at the theatre to practise ideology in education and nurture holistic development among VBS students. 34 role model students delivered their speeches. 在演讲现场,同学们自信大方地讲述自己的美德、活力与智慧。他们中有获得广东省攀岩速度赛冠军的吴妍慧,有从5岁起就和爸爸一起资助贫困儿童的张语珈,有主动把自己的压岁钱捐献给抗疫一线工作人员的徐智琪,有参加中国少年先锋队广东省第七次代表大会的夏玖玥,有爱提问、爱思考、爱阅读,想成为一名好侦探的曹米源…… Students presented their morality, vitality and wisdom through their speech - rock climbing champion Wu Yanhui was one of them, Zhang Yujia sponsored children since five years old, Xu Zhiqi donated pocket money to medical staff fighting against the coronavirus, Xia Jiuyue took part in the seventh Young Pioneers conference of Guangdong Province and Cao Miyuan who would read, raise questions, think to become a detective. 多才多艺,全面发展的罗浚曦同学说:“我相信在美好理想的指引下,只有发奋学习,生命之树才会开花结果。” Talented Luo Junxi said,'Guided by ideals, we only get fruitful results by studying hard.' 追求学力卓越的俞芯瑞说:“我要永葆这颗好奇心,与书为友,与美作伴,做好自己,感染身边人!” Yu Xinrui who pursued academic excellence,'I would keep my curiosity to befriend books to influence others.' 7月8日,评选结果出炉,杨帆校长、郑世英主任为60名获奖学生颁发了奖状, 寻找最美万双少年系列活动圆满落幕。在本次活动中,VBS学子充分展示了自己的才艺、活力、智慧、美德以及敢于创新、自强不息的精神,他们的先进事迹将成为同学们学习的榜样、前行的能量,助力学校形成阳光、活力、创新、智慧的校园文化。 The result was released on 8th July. Principal Yang and Ms. Zheng handed out certificate of honours to over 60 students to conclude the entire activity. VBS students demonstrated their talents, vitality, wisdom, morality, self-motivation and innovation to act as role models to bring out the school culture of remain positive, innovation and vitality.免责声明:文章内容来自网络,如有侵权请及时联系删除。