时间:2022-01-27 19:12:48
On Wednesday 3rdof June, the IHS held the finals of its’ 2019-2020 student speech competition. Students from every grade participated in the preliminary rounds, and come time for the finals, there were 16representatives spanning grade 7-9, hoping to be crowned the winner.
Fitting with the times, our topic for the competition was “Why is hope important?”. In English, (and only English), students were allotted 3 minutes to state their opinions. Afterwards, our 4 esteemed judges (Richard, Melody, Tim, and Karen) scored the efforts based on categories such as articulation, fluency, content, timing, and body language.
应声时局,比赛主题定为“why is hope important?”(希望缘何重要)。比赛要求学生用英文在三分钟以内陈述他们的观点,然后我们的4位评委(Richard, Melody, Tim, and Karen)依据学生的发音,流畅度,内容,时间把握度,肢体语言等方面现场打分。
The competition was close, and a great effort was made by all involved – we saw props, gimmicks, crowd participation, anything possible to give them the advantage over their peers, and come the end we found ourselves a winner.
Winners of the 3rdplace prize:Hannah (9B), Etienne (7A), and Momoco (8B).
Winners of the 2ndplace prize:Sarah (9B), Peter (8B) and Watthauer (9A)
In first place - with the highest average score of 91.5%, our winnerJames (9A).
An amazing performance was given by all, and you should all be very proud of your accomplishments. It takes bravery to not only stand up in front of a crowd, but to also talk and interact with them, even more courage to give your speech in a second language, AND try to convince others to agree with the points you make.
We hope students will be encouraged to stand up and try again in the future; look to your fellow classmates for help and support, and you too could be our next winner.