窗内与窗外&学习无止境 | 珠海德威国际高中摄影大赛:第二轮主题赛
时间:2022-01-27 19:37:46
Dulwich College International Photo Competition:
Round Two
Don’t miss the chance to take part in round two of the 7th annual Dulwich College International Photo Competition, which is right around the corner! From March 16 – 27, the themes will be ‘Through the window’ and ‘Learning every day, anywhere’, offering you new inspiration for your entries. There are prizes for the best photographs in each category, and also the grand travel prize to win a trip for 2 to any city in the Dulwich and Dehong network. On top of awesome prizes, don’t forget that for every 10 entries received, DCI will be planting a tree.
Right now, Dulwich College (Singapore) is in the lead for submissions, so make sure your school is represented well by uploading photographs on the competition websitewww.dulwichphotos.comand by sharing the news with your friends.
This year’s competitionoffers the chancetoshowcase how we all remain connected through our experiences, and how our community spirit shines bright, even in thesechallengingtimes.
All current students, alumni, teachers, staff and parents across all DCI schools, our Founding school in London andDehong are eligible to enter (no matter where you are in the world right now) so get your phone or camera out and start snapping!
Click ‘read more’ below to visit the photo competition website and submit your photos today.