时间:2022-01-27 19:37:47
与此同时,珠海德威国际高中虚拟合唱团已集结完毕,身处世界各地的学生在线携手共同录制了Towards Infinity这首歌,真正展现了德威学校大家庭之间的紧密纽带与合作精神。
此次活动最初是由北京德威英国国际学校的Simon Armstrong老师和Nina Haynes老师,联合澳大利亚知名作曲家、表演家、音乐指导、指挥家 Paul Jarman一同发起的。Jarman先生曾多次受邀参加Diversity多元化艺术系列讲座。在Armstrong老师强有力的领导下,来自5所学校的师生,包括我们的姐妹学校上海德闳学校共同演绎了一曲优美的和声。
“在这些充满挑战的日子里,我们非常骄傲能像一个学校大家庭一样用特别的方式相聚。” 北京德威英国国际学校关键阶段三音乐课程协调老师Armstrong先生说道,“我们尤其感到荣幸能与Jarman先生合作。多年来我们与许多像Jarman先生这样享誉世界的音乐家建立了良好的关系,这种关系不仅弥足珍贵,也丰富了德威的音乐课程。不管身处何种学习环境,我们都将致力于为我们的学生提供最好的音乐教育。”
The performing arts is part and parcel of everyday life at Dulwich. Although our students have been learning online over the past few months, our passionate and creative teachers have ensured that holistic and experiential education - a core pillar of the Dulwich Difference – continues to be delivered both on-campus and online.
To this end, the first-ever Dulwich College International Virtual Choir has come together from around the world to perform the song, Towards Infinity, in a true display of the connectedness and collaboration within our one family of schools. The project was first initiated by Mr Simon Armstrong and Ms Nina Haynes (Dulwich College Beijing) in collaboration with Paul Jarman, the renowned Australian composer, performer, musical director, conductor and returning practitioner of our Diversity Arts programme. Under Mr Armstrong’s strong leadership, students and teachers across five of our schools – including our sister school, Dehong Shanghai Chinese International School . came together in stunning harmony.
Composed by Mr Jarman, who generously gifted the music for the performance, the song conveys a timely message of hope, perseveranceand unity.
We are so proud to have come together as one family of schools in these challenging times.’ said Mr Armstrong, Dulwich College Beijing’s Key Stage 3 Music Curriculum Coordinator. ‘We are especially glad to have worked with Mr Jarman. The relationship that we have developed with a widely-acclaimed musician like him through his many residencies over the years is invaluable, and has impacted our music programme Group-wide. We strive to continue delivering the best of our music education to our students, no matter the learning context.’