时间:2022-01-27 19:37:41
珠海德威国际高中九名12年级学生在英国化学奥林匹克竞赛(UK Chemistry Olympiad,简称 UKChO)中取得一枚金奖,六枚银奖和两枚铜奖的优异成绩。UKChO是英国皇家化学学会主办的高中化学竞赛,迄今已有50年历史。这也是全球范围内学术水平最高、影响力最大、难度最高的高中化学竞赛,备受英国多所名校和全球知名理工专业院校认可。本届赛事共吸引了来自中英两国逾两万名学生参加。
在所有获奖学生中,Ivan K和Jason L两名同学已经在此前的“丘成桐中学科学奖”中斩获了化学组别优胜奖的佳绩。
珠海德威国际高中九名12年级学生在英国化学奥林匹克竞赛(UK Chemistry Olympiad,简称 UKChO)中取得一枚金奖,六枚银奖和两枚铜奖的优异成绩。UKChO是英国皇家化学学会主办的高中化学竞赛,迄今已有50年历史。这也是全球范围内学术水平最高、影响力最大、难度最高的高中化学竞赛,备受英国多所名校和全球知名理工专业院校认可。本届赛事共吸引了来自中英两国逾两万名学生参加。
在所有获奖学生中,Ivan K和Jason L两名同学已经在此前的“丘成桐中学科学奖”中斩获了化学组别优胜奖的佳绩。
Nine Dulwich International High School Zhuhai Y12 students, have participated in the UK Chemistry Olympiad (UKChO), achieving brilliant results. The awards include one Gold medal, six Silver medals and two Bronze medals. Founded by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 50 years ago, the UKChO is one of the world's most influential chemistry competitions with the highest academic requirements among high-school students. It is widely recognised by many prestigious universities in the UK and world-renowned polytechnic colleges. This year, the intensive competition has attracted more than 20,000 student participants from China and the UK. Among these excellent results, Ivan K and Jason L have received the Honorable Mention Awards in the Chemistry category of the S.-T. Yau High School Science Award in December 2020.
UKChO 2021 Awards Winners from Dulwich Zhuhai
英国化学奥林匹克竞赛比赛为个人赛,内容难度相当于英国国内的国家队水平。学生除了需要具备A-Level 或者同等级别的学科知识储备,还要具备应用所学知识去解决问题的能力和创新性思维能力。2021年的赛事在一月份启动,但我们从去年九月份就开始做准备了。”
——珠海德威化学老师 Mr Shah
“Pursuing Chemical Sciences or Biochemical Sciences at University requires certain knowledge mastery in Chemistry and an off-shoot to academic achievements. UKChO is one of the international Olympiads in Chemistry that are well recognised around the world. This award will help the students’ portfolio shine amongst others.
The UKChO is an individual competition, the difficulty of which is almost the same level as required for the UK national team. In addition to A-Level or equivalent level of academic knowledge, students need to have the ability to apply the skills they have learned in problem-solving and critical thinking. The examination took place in Jan 2021, however, we have been preparing for it since September 2020.”
——Chemistry teacher at Dulwich Zhuhai, Mr Shah
除了教授学术知识,珠海德威的化学课非常注重培养学生的独立阅读能力、动手实验能力,以及增加他们学习化学的兴趣。针对个别对化学充满热情或能力较突出的学生,老师们会拓展学生的学习内容,比如,在课后的联课活动中提前学习部分大学才会涉及到的知识点,以及广泛阅读剑桥化学挑战赛(Cambridge Chemistry Challenge)、国际化学奥林匹克(International Chemisty Olympiad)、 英国皇家化学学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)的文献,练习相关习题,让他们的知识体系更全面,更有创新性,并具备实践和应用的可能性,智胜全球。
除了教授学术知识,珠海德威的化学课非常注重培养学生的独立阅读能力、动手实验能力,以及增加他们学习化学的兴趣。针对个别对化学充满热情或能力较突出的学生,老师们会拓展学生的学习内容,比如,在课后的联课活动中提前学习部分大学才会涉及到的知识点,以及广泛阅读剑桥化学挑战赛(Cambridge Chemistry Challenge)、国际化学奥林匹克(International Chemisty Olympiad)、 英国皇家化学学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)的文献,练习相关习题,让他们的知识体系更全面,更有创新性,并具备实践和应用的可能性,智胜全球。
In addition to theoretical knowledge, Dulwich Zhuhai’s chemistry department places great emphasis in developing students’ independent reading skill, experimental ability through hands-on lab research, as well as increasing their interests in the subject. For certain students with extra passion or outstanding potential in chemistry, our teachers will extend the teacher-student engagement with co-curricular activities. For example, they will read and analyse a range of current chemistry research together, go through University curriculum in advance, study the materials and practice on the exercises of the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (C3L6), the International Chemistry Olympiad (ICho) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). These kinds of integrated learning approaches, that go beyond textbook, will further prepare the students' holistic abilities, and help to develop their practical and innovative mindset as they graduate worldwise.
Congratulations again to our brilliant chemistry students! We look forward to more good news in the upcoming Canada Chemistry Contest.