超学科,云探究,常外附校小学部线上教学成果分享 G1-2
时间:2022-01-27 20:01:33
The past few months have been a challenging time for the Grade 1 and 2 students as they faced the challenge of adapting to online teaching and learning. With the help and guidance of the teachers, parents and guardians at home the students were able to continue learning and developing.
As the grade 1 and 2 students transition back into the classroom let us take a look at some of the amazing work the students have completed while they were at home.
Grade 1A
The Grade 1A students enjoyed their inquiry of buildings and houses. They started with learning about different types of houses around the world and gained a deeper understanding of the Shanghai Tower. The students completed the unit by making their own building model.
Grade 1B
In the sixth week of the previous unit all about "Buildings", the G1B students did a great finale project, where they used recycled materials to make dioramas of houses. The students made great efforts to use all types of recycled materials found at home. They researched and thought of the environments and climates the houses could be built in by considering all kinds of factors that could affect them.
Grade 2A
For the current unit the Grade 2 students are leaning about different jobs and their social responsibilities. The Grade 2A students were asked to select a family member to interview about their job and responsibilities in a usual work day.
Grade 2B
In Chinese class the Grade 2B students did reflection after learning about the coronavirus under the theme of sharing the planet. They wrote some letters to thank doctors and thought about how humans should live harmoniously with nature.
艺术课Art Lessons
In Art the Grade 1 students completed various tasks where they made flower bouquets out of paper and created African style houses and drew buildings with Chinese architecture.
The Grade 2 students designed explorer maps and outfits according to different careers in Art as they were learning about different types of jobs in UOI.
最后,我们感谢所有在特殊时期坚持在线授课的老师们和热爱学习、积极配合的孩子们,还有默默付出的家长 们。我们正在共同经历见证这个 特殊的教育时期,但透过所有人的共同努力,我们看到了一个不同的春天和更加多彩的生活!让我们一起期待,返校后遇见不一样的自己。
We want to say a big thank you to all of our teachers, parents and guardians who have supported the students during this time. Our students have done an amazing job with the online learning.