时间:2023-02-09 02:14:23
时维五月,序属初夏,气温节节攀升。在上海燎原的阶梯教室里,中国智慧组组织的知识竞赛正在如火如荼地进行着,同学们争先恐后抢答的激烈场面,比室外的天气还要炙热。 May, early summer. Temperature is rising outside. Inside the Liaoyuan school, a group of students from the English Division were vying with one another in the Chinese Knowledge Competition organized by the Chinese Wisdom Group teachers. The learning atmosphere was becoming intense while the competition went on. 中文知识竞赛是燎原国际部每个学期都会举行的特色项目。班级之间,以小组为单位进行抢答。通过别出心裁的设计和丰富深厚的文化知识,激发学生对传统文化的兴趣,引导学生进行古今中外对比探究,扎根本土,融通中外,让燎原学子在国际化教育中更具竞争力。 Every semester, English Division students take part in the Chinese Knowledge Competition, celebrating the Chinese culture and language. Students formed groups with their classmates and competed to answer questions. The event aimed to spark the passion among students for Chinese traditional culture by giving well-prepared questions and topics. Students were inspired to think and compare cultures of different ages and countries. Through the activity, students are realizing the importance of taking root in the local culture first and then integrating the local culture with foreign ones. “真的没想到,我们小组会得第一,很惊喜!我觉得能赢得这个‘第一’,靠得是团队合作,意见统一和平时的积累。中华文化博大精深,学海无涯,我们会继续努力!”9年级2班的Steven掩盖不住内心的兴奋。 “I’ve never thought we were the winner. Big surprise! Well, we really work as a team, trying to come up with the same answer. We also learnt a lot. Chinese cultures are broad and profound. Its knowledge is boundless. We will keep up our efforts, ” said excitedly Steven Wang from G9-2. “我很喜欢这些题目,设计的很有趣,明明是古老的东西,但是感觉很新,很贴近生活。真的是处处留心皆学问,我要好好琢磨琢磨!”11年级的Nicole 意犹未尽。 “I enjoyed answering these questions. They’re well-planned and a lot of fun. The ancient knowledge came to life and it is actually very close to our life. I really believe that learning happens everywhere as long as you care. I will spend more time on it,” said 11-1 Nicole. “考试让我压力山大,但是我很喜欢这种比赛的形式,很有参与感。不知不觉就学到了很多东西,同时也让我意识到自己的知识盲区,我需要更多地关注时事,接触真实的社会!”10年级2班的胡蝶颇受启发。 “Exams always stressed me out. But I feel like doing well in this kind of competition. I learnt a lot. I also realize that I have some blind spots in my knowledge. Like, I need to read more about current affairs, and pay attention to what is happening in society.” 10-2 Alice reflected. “竞赛才发现自己在语文方面还有太多的不足,跟别人相差太远;我看了那么多日本作家的作品,还是不知道日本诺贝尔文学奖获得者是谁,真是太惭愧了!其中有题问到,袁隆平爷爷生前的两个愿望是什么,我真是脑子一片空白,只能盲猜,深刻感觉到关注时事新闻热点的重要性和必要性。”10年级2班的小组成员纷纷发表语文参赛感言。 “Well, the competition really helps. We have a lot of room to improve. I feel that I’m far behind”; “I’ve read a lot of books produced by Japanese writers. But I didn’t even know which Japanese writer won the Nobel Prize. It’s a shame”; “When we were looking at the question about the two wishes of Mr. Yuan Longping, we were lost. We had to guess. It’s important and necessary for us to read more newspaper headlines.” G10-2 contestants recalled. “原本还觉得自己对语文还是挺有自信的,结果参赛题目让我深刻了解到什么是‘书到用时方恨少’,什么是‘学海无涯苦作舟’,今后我会不断学习,不断丰富自己的,不仅书本还有课外,从而不断拓宽自己的知识面。”10年级3班的小组成员深刻反省。 “We showed up confidently for the competition only to find that it’s a long way to go. There’s a Chinese saying that one regrets not learning enough only when one has to use knowledge. I will keep learning and enrich my life with more knowledge and aspirations. Books and life experience can both help me improve my academic performance.” replied G10-3 contestants. 后疫情时代,内卷化的应试教育,众说纷纭,焦虑担忧。中文知识竞赛能够坚持每学期如期圆满地举行,背后离不开燎原校领导对于“全球教育”的深刻认识和“融通中外”的教育规划。 In the post-pandemic era, exam-oriented examination is facing involution. Debates are intense and concerns are varied. However, in Liaoyuan, Chinese Knowledge Competitions are seriously regarded and always supported as one of the most important events in each semester. It’s largely attributed to the Liaoyuan teachers’ vision of global education and their education philosophy of the fusion of both Chinese and foreign education. 少年智则国智,少年强则国强。深受国际化教育的燎原学子,同时也肩负着把中国教育国际化的使命。我们燎原学校对中文学习的重视,毫无疑问给燎原学子打下了深厚的文化积淀。融通中外,学贯中西。相信无论走到哪里,都会是最亮丽和绚烂的一道风景线。 “If the youth are intelligent, China is intelligent. If the youth are strong, China is strong.” Liaoyuan is striving to enhance the teaching and learning of Chinese literature and culture, which undoubtedly lay a solid foundation for students’ future education in foreign countries. Liaoyuan students are expected to become global citizens with thorough knowledge of both western and traditional Chinese cultures. In the future, wherever they go, they will find themselves more confident.获奖名单
第一场:G9 PK G11
■ 一等奖:
9-2 Eric Ren
9-2 Lee Pan
9-2 Steven Wang
9-2 Sky Xu
■ 二等奖:
9-1 Harry Gao
9-1 Camilia Yan
9-1 Diva Chen
9-1 Jason Zhang
■ 三等奖:
11-1 Nicole Qiao
11-1 Ryan Wang
11-1 Jane Yang
11-1 Max Li
■ 积极参与奖:
11-2 Caroline Yang
11-2 LiLia Yan
11-2 Kelley Sha
11-2 Yolanda Wang
■ 一等奖:
10-4 Justina Pan
10-4 Blake Chen
10-4 Coco Cui
10-4 Stella Cai
■ 二等奖:
10-1 Eileen Yu
10-1 Boven Zhu
10-1 Sunny Zhang
10-1 Selina Li
■ 三等奖:
10-2 Julie Sha
10-2 Alice Hu
10-2 Megery Wang
10-2 Frank Qiu
■ 积极参与奖:
10-3 Mark Ye
10-3 Jack Chen
10-3 Ocean Jiang
10-3 Devin Zhang
6月27日(周日) 13:00-16:30