时间:2023-03-02 19:50:03
中国有句古话“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”,在艺术的世界里也是如此。有什么创意和想法,不如亲自动手做一做。素描、绘画、雕塑和版画,这些是传统的艺术领域,而现在的电子技术也让视觉艺术更加蓬勃发展。下面走进上海外国语大学附属双语学校课程,就让上外双语国际高中艺术老师Denvah Coleman来为大家介绍——
There is an old idiom, ‘trying your hand at something,’ which means participating in a new activity. The visual arts embody an extensive array of disciplines from traditional fields such as drawing, painting, sculpture and printmaking. Current technologies have allowed traditional practices to become immersed in the digital realms of image-making. Digital design has allowed the visual art world to flourish, creating an abundance of artists and designers covering every aspect of image-making.
Denvah Coleman, The Talented Mr. Ripley, book cover, 2022. Mixed media using mark-making, found imagery formulated by Adobe Photoshop.
Denvah老师的作品,《天才瑞普利》,书籍封面,2022 年。使用痕迹创作和found imagery,由Adobe Photoshop制作的混合绘画。(found imagery指在已经存在的图像上继续创作)
The high school art elective is a course where learners can interact with traditional disciplines such as drawing, painting, printmaking, collage and mixed media. Drawing briefs are always underpinned by using the elements of art to guide learners in achieving specific visual objectives. Colour pencils and graphite pencils are some of the mediums utilised by students.
Grade 11 student Vera’s example of a ‘Texture Balls’ drawing using colour pencils and black ink.
Painting projects include tutorials where students work on large-scale canvases examining colour theory. Weekly sessions involve colour-blocking processes that aim to build on colour and increase the intensity of colour.
Grade 10 student Lucy showing her large-scale acrylic painting of a Tigers eyes.
Relief printmaking disciplines such as linocut are taught under careful supervision with clear guidelines on the correct, safe use of cutting knives and real-life demonstrations on how to use them. Linocut workshops introduce students to the basics of relief printmaking, where they produce a series of limited edition, one-off original prints.
A grade 10 example of Linocut relief printmaking.
Mixed media is a combined effort where students merge aspects of drawing, painting and other image-making techniques such as collage, stencilling, spray painting and incorporating found imagery into their artworks.
A grade 11 example of mixed media implementing stencilling, spray paints, collage and found imagery.
Denvah老师给11年级学生展示用模板印、喷漆、拼贴和found imagery制作的混合绘画
我校的艺术选修课上,学生通过素描、绘画、版画、拼贴和混合绘画等,自己动手实践学习艺术。浮雕版画( linocut)需要在老师仔细的演示和监督下教授,以便学生能正确、安全地使用切割刀。Denvah老师向学生介绍浮雕版画的基础知识,学生们在此基础上制作了一系列原创版画。