上海中学国际部初小数学组 | 美国数学思维挑战(AMC 8)获奖喜报!
时间:2022-01-27 20:56:25
AMC 8喜报
2020 AMC 8 Awards
Recently, students of the middle school section of Shanghai High School International Division received great news from the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). They obtained fantastic scores in the 2020 American Mathematics Competition 8.
美国数学思维挑战是目前世界上可信度最高的数学测试之一,也是美国高中申请乃至美国大学申请含金量最高的数学竞赛。AMC 8面向8年级及以下的全体学生,学生需要在40分钟内完成25道精心设计的数学题目。
The AMC contest is among the most credible math contests and is the most helpful in applying American high schools and universities. AMC 8 is designed for students of 8th grade and below; they have to finish 25 carefully-designed problems in 40 minutes.
In this contest, the middle school section has 12 students that obtained the top 1%. Among them, student Lu, from grade 7, obtained a full score of 25. Student Zhang, from grade 7, received second place. Student Ma and student Shen, from grade 7, and student Liu, from grade 8, received third place. Mr. Liu, the middle and primary school principal of SHSID, issued certificates and medals for these five students. Additionally, 20 other students obtained a good score in the top 5%.
在AMC 8社团指导教师闫老师的教导下,越来越多的学生不仅提升了数学能力,体会到了数学学习乐趣,更对数学学习充满了热爱和激情。新的学期,同学们必将百尺竿头,更进一步。
With the help and encouragement of Ms. Yan, the AMC 8 club guidance teacher, more students improved their math skills and also felt the fun of learning math. In the new semester, students will continue to work hard to achieve even more accomplishments.