时间:2022-01-27 20:56:26
在2020年度澳大利亚(中级)数学奥林匹克竞赛(AIMO)中,中国赛区共有来自全国102所国际学校和重点中学的225名同学参赛。澳大利亚(中级)数学奥林匹克竞赛 (AIMO) 由国际权威的学术机构之一——澳大利亚数学联合会 (AMT) 主办,是一项极具挑战性的赛事。比赛具有相当难度,学生需要在四小时内解决 10 道题目,全程不能使用计算器,这是对学生数学能力的一项考验。该赛事与澳大利亚数学竞赛(AMC)初中年级组比赛相比较,是一个晋级性质的赛事。通常在澳大利亚数学竞赛(AMC)初中组中成绩优异的同学才会被选拔参加澳大利亚(中级)数学奥赛 (AIMO)。
上海中学国际部3-8年级同学继在澳大利亚数学竞赛(AMC)中取得优异成绩后,在本届比赛澳大利亚(中级)数学奥林匹克竞赛 (AIMO)中,也取得了十分骄人的成绩。共1 位同学获得卓越奖(PRIZE),1位同学获得一等奖(High Distinction),5位同学获得二等奖(Distinction),11位同学获得三等奖(Credit)。
Middle and Primary School Math Department: 2020 Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad Awards In the 2020 Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad (AIMO), 225 students from 102 international and local schools in China participated in the competition. The (AIMO) is sponsored by one of the worlds’ leading academic institutions, the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT), and it is a very challenging event for students. The competition is quite difficult in that students need to solve 10 questions in four hours without using calculators. Similar to the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC), it is a qualifying event. Students with excellent grades in the AMC are selected to participate in the AIMO.
Students from Grades 3-8 in our school earned remarkable achievements in the AIMO. One student won excellence prize (PRIZE), one student won first prize (High Distinction), five students won second prize (Distinction), eleven students won third prize (Credit).
At the competition, Students cooperate and compete with each other, learn from each other, and prove themselves by overcoming difficulties. We are looking forward to achieving even better results in the upcoming mathematics competitions!