2022年上海澳大利亚国际高中同学在澳大利亚数学测评 (AMC)中荣获大奖
时间:2022-12-22 02:16:02
今天GJXX小编搜罗了2022年上海澳大利亚国际高中同学在澳大利亚数学测评 (AMC)中荣获大奖希望给择校的家长们提供参考。
澳大利亚数学测评(AMC)由澳大利亚数学联合会(AMT)主办。澳大利亚数学联合会(AMT)由澳大利 亚著名数学家 Peter O'Halloran 发起创办,是国际权威的学术机构之一,旨在丰富各个阶段学生的数 学教育内容,提供更前沿的数学思想、理论动态和教育资源。AMT 每年通过澳大利亚数学测评 AMC 为 澳大利亚选拔国际数学奥林匹克国家代表队。AMC 目前是全球历史悠久的金牌校际数学测评,共有来 自 32 个国家的 1600 万学生参与到该活动,新颖的题型和多语言试题让全球的数学爱好者们得以在 数学领域深刻切磋,共同学习,并深刻认识数学在生活中的重要性。
24th September, 2022, 21 students were doing their Australian Mathematics Competition online or in their respective AMC exam center.The Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT) is a national non-profit organization whose purpose is to enrich the teaching and learning of mathematics for students of all standards. AMT hold mathematics and informatics competitions, administer enrichment activities, conducts workshops for students and teachers, and publishes books on mathematical enrichment for Australian and international students. The Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) was introduced in Australia in 1978 as the first Australia-wide mathematics competition for students. It has become the largest single event on the Australian education calendar, allowing students to attempt the same tasks on the same day in over 32 countries around the globe.A special shout out to the students from Shanghai Australian International School for their outstanding performance during the AMC. They have won 1 HIGH DISTINCTION, 4 DISTINCTION, 8 CREDIT Awards from the exam.
We would like to acknowledge the effort for all students for their participation in the exam. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS to all award winners!
以上就是《2022年上海澳大利亚国际高中同学在澳大利亚数学测评 (AMC)中荣获大奖》介绍。国际学校招生网,专业的国际学校择校服务平台。。