
所在地区:北京 顺义区学校性质:外籍人员子女学校
学费:13.90~29.80万招生阶段:高中 初中 小学 幼儿园






各所集团的学校之间保持着密切的合作 ,为学生们提供了参与学校大家庭活动的独特机会,集团与各个领先的教育和艺术团体的联系,也能使学生们从中受益。


Dulwich College Beijing opened in 2005 and is recognised as a leading international school in Beijing. Our College is a co-educational day school for students from Nursery to Year 13 (ages 3 to 18), with around forty different nationalities represented in our community.

Our College is academically selective and follows an enhanced British curriculum adapted for the needs of our international student body. Students in Years 10 and 11 study a curriculum that leads to IGSCE examinations and then follow the IB Diploma Programme in Years 12 and 13.  Our strong academic curriculum is complemented by rich co-curricular activities. 

Continuing the tradition of excellence of our founding school, our graduates go on to study at leading universities in the UK, USA and around the world.

The primary teaching language is English with a dual language approach in Mandarin and English for children aged 3 to 7.  To ensure our students will thrive we assess the level of English of non-native speakers before making an offer.  Our Mandarin programme is streamed and caters to all abilities.

The close collaboration among our Colleges gives our students unique opportunities to participate in network events and benefit from the group's relationships with leading educational and artistic organisations.

We encourage students and parents to visit our campus to learn more and meet the College leadership team. However due to current Health & Safety policy we are not allowed to have any visitors on the campus while our students are learning. Please enjoy a virtual tour and stay in touch by following us at DulwichBeijing on WeChat. 


如需申请,请查看以下入学条件并完成在线申请。如需了解更多信息,请参阅我们的招生手册和以下常见问题。 如对申请流程有任何疑问,欢迎联系我们的招生办,电话+86 (10) 6454-9002或发送邮件至admissions.beijing@dulwich.org。

为了确定申请年级,请参阅我们的学生年龄安排指南。 一般来说,学生应该在申请年的9月1日之前达到表中所示的年龄。

To apply, please review the admissions criteria below and complete the online application. Please refer to our admissions booklet and frequently asked questions below for more information. Our admissions team is also on hand to guide families through the process. Please contact us by call +86(10) 6454-9002 or email admissions.beijing@dulwich.org

To determine which year to apply for, please refer to our student age placement guide. As a general rule, students should have reached the age indicated in the table before 1st September of the year of application.



根据北京市教委的规定,希望入读北京德威的学生需符合一定的要求:学生和家长持有外国护照和有效中国工作签证(Z)及相应的家属签证。/ 学生和家长为港澳台居民,并持有回乡证、台胞证。/ 持有外国护照和家庭团聚(Q1)签证的家庭。/ 持有中国护照和外籍永居身份的家庭,并有效证明在海外生活至少一年时间。如果您不确定是否符合就读资格,请咨询招生办。


Students wishing to enrol in Dulwich College Beijing must meet the requirements of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission (BMEC) : Student and parent are foreign passport holders with valid work (Z) and corresponding dependent visas issued by the Chinese authorities. /Student and parent are residents of HK SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan with travel permits (回乡证/台胞证). / Foreign passport holding family holding Q1 visa. / Chinese passport holding family with foreign permanent residency permits and proof of having lived in the foreign country for more than one year. Applicant families who are unsure of eligibility are to consult the DCB Admissions Office for further advice.

In addition to providing the application and supporting documents, all students wishing to join are subject to the admissions checklist set out below.

幼儿班/学前班 (3-5岁)
申请学前部的学生需提交当前或此前学校的在校成绩。如果该生完成了之前的学前教育,则需要提交该生当时授课教师出具的保密性学前教育意见报告(Confidential Early Years Teacher Comment Report)。申请幼儿班和学前班的学生必须有能力自行如厕。所有符合入学条件的申请学生将受邀参加由学前部相关学术负责人组织的群体面试。

Nursery/Reception (ages 3 to 5)
Students applying for entry in the Early Years must submit current and prior school records (if any) or a Confidential Early Years Teacher Comment Report from their current teacher if the student has had previous education. Students entering Nursery and Reception must be toilet trained. All applicants who meet the entry requirements will be invited to meet with our key academic staff in Early Years in a group setting.

德威1-2年级 (5-7岁)
申请德威1-2年级的学生需提交当前或此前学校的在校成绩。此外,我们还要求学生提供一份授课教师/校长出具的保密性教师意见报告(Confidential Teacher Comment Report)。所有符合入学条件的申请学生将受邀参加由学前部相关学术负责人组织的单独面试。

Years 1 and 2 (ages 5 to 7)
Students applying for entry into Year 1 and Year 2 must submit current and prior school records. A Confidential Teacher Comment Report from the class teacher or Principal may also be required. Applicants who meet the entry requirements will be invited to meet with key academic staff in Early Years in a one-to-one setting.

小学部(德威3-6年级, 7-11岁)
申请德威3-6年级的学生需提交当前或此前的在校成绩,同时还需接受学术测评以确保其适合此阶段的课程学习。认知能力测试(Cognitive Ability Test,简称CAT)包括文字推理、数学推理和逻辑推理三个部分。此外,申请学生还需完成一篇写作并接受来自小学部相关学术负责人的面试。

Junior School (Years 3 to 6, ages 7 to 11)
Students applying for entry into Years 3 to 6 must submit current and prior school records. Students also undertake assessments to ensure they can access the curriculum. The Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) consists of verbal, quantitative and non-verbal assessments. Students will also complete a writing assignment as well as an interview with key academic staff in Junior School. A Confidential Teacher Comment Report from the class teacher or Principal may also be required.

申请德威7-13年级的学生需提交当前或此前学校的在校成绩, 我们还可能要求学生提供一份此前学校授课教师/校长出具的保密性教师意见报告(Confidential Teacher Comment Report)。此外,申请者需接受学术测评以确保其适合此阶段的课程学习。该测试包括文字推理、数学推理和逻辑推理三个部分。申请者还需完成一篇写作。母语非英语的申请者需要进行“英语作为第二语言”测评。作为招生流程的一部分,所有中学部申请者还将接受中学部关键负责人和相关学术负责人的面试。

Senior School (Years 7 to 13, ages 11 to 17)
Students applying for entry into Years 7 to 13 must submit current and prior school records. Students also undertake assessments to ensure they can access the curriculum. The assessment consists of computerized test including verbal, quantitative and non-verbal sections. Candidates will also complete a writing assignment. Candidates whose first language is not English will also take an English as an Additional Language assessment. All Senior School candidates will be interviewed by key and relevant academic staff as part of the admission process. A Confidential Teacher Comment Report from the class teacher or Principal may also be required.




12年级申请者需提交当前或此前学校的在校成绩, 我们还可能要求学生提供一份此前学校授课教师/校长出具的保密性教师意见报告(Confidential Teacher Comment Report)。此外,申请者需接受学术测评以确保其适合此阶段的课程学习。该测试包括文字推理、数学推理和逻辑推理三个部分。申请者还需完成一篇写作。母语非英语的申请者需要进行“英语作为第二语言”测评。作为招生流程的一部分,所有中学部申请者还将接受中学部关键负责人和相关学术负责人的面试。




Entry into Years 11 to 13
Entry into Year 11

Applications for enrolment into Year 11 are considered on a case-by-case basis and are typically not considered for Term 2 and 3, as current students will be on study leave for mock and final exams for a large portion of this period.

Entry into Year 12

Students applying for entry into Year 12 must submit current and prior school records. Students also undertake assessments to ensure they can access the curriculum. The assessment consists of computerized test including verbal, quantitative and non-verbal sections. Candidates will also complete a writing assignment. Candidates whose first language is not English will also take an English as an Additional Language assessment. All Senior School candidates will be interviewed by key and relevant academic staff as part of the admission process. A Confidential Teacher Comment Report from the class teacher or Principal may also be required.

Entry into Year 13

The College will very rarely consider entry into Year 13. To be considered, students must be applying from a nearly identical IB programme and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Once all application materials have been submitted, as well as the completion of the necessary assessment and interview, the Admission Committee will review the student's application and inform parents of the admission decision. As DCB is a selective school, not all students who apply will be offered a place. We select students who appear to be most likely to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.


Overseas Candidates
Special arrangements can be made for entrance assessments to be administered at the candidate's current school. If a candidate cannot be interviewed, a provisional place may be offered, which can be withdrawn if the College later determines it cannot support the child's needs or there is a concern raised that was not previously known.






北京德威英国国际学校接受人民币现金支付相关费用,暂时无法接受美元(US Dollar)现金支付,为此给您带来的不便,我们深感抱歉。

Examination fees for IGCSE and IB programmes are included in our tuition fees.

Fees for compulsory school trips are also covered in our tuition fees while optional school trip expenses are borne by the parents or guardians.

The cost of school lunches is not included in our tuition fees. Our school lunches are catered by Sodexo.

Fees may be paid as follows:

RMB only for cash payment.  We regret that the College is not able to accept US Dollar cash payments.
Wire transfer in RMB or US Dollars.  Bank account details are printed on all invoices and are available from the Finance Department. When paying by wire transfer in US Dollars, please use the prevailing People's Bank of China approved RMB/USD exchange rate at the time of payment.  Any shortfall in amounts received by the school for any reason will be due on demand or carried forward to the next invoice at the College's discretion.
Please refer to our Admissions Handbook and Terms and Conditions for more information.





Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a number of questions that our families often ask members of our admissions team.





我们根据适当年级的招生名额招收符合入学要求的学生。如果没有招生名额,或者申请入读的是此后的学年,则学生将被列入候补名单。我们将优先考虑目前在校生的兄弟姐妹以及从另一所德威国际学校转来的孩子。 等候名单只保留一个学年。

Waiting Lists
We enrol students who have met the entry requirements in accordance with the spaces available in the appropriate year level. If there are no available places, or the application is for a future academic year, students are placed on a waiting list. Priority will be given to the siblings of currently enrolled students and children transferring from another Dulwich College International school.

Waiting lists are maintained for one academic year only.


Bus service is offered from many locations throughout the city. Annual fees for academic year 2022/2023 are RMB 13,850 (within Shunyi) and RMB 18,000 (downtown). Term fees for buses are RMB 4,800 (within Shunyi) and RMB 6,300 (downtown). 


School Lunches
The school lunch programme provides students with a choice of bringing a lunch from home or paying for the lunch provided by Sodexo.


幼儿班 – 18-19人

学前班 – 20人

德威1年级 – 21人

德威2年级 – 22人

德威3 -11年级 – 22人

IB国际文凭课程 – 德威

12、13年级 – 14人


Class Sizes
The maximum number in each class is as follows:

Nursery – 18 - 19 children 
Reception - 20 children   
Year 1 – 21 children
Year 2 – 22 children
Year 3 to Year 11 - 22 students  
IB Diploma - Year 12 and 13 - 14 students

The College reserves the right to increase the student number per class under special circumstances.


除了IB学生(穿工作正装)以外,所有北京德威英国国际学校 学生必须穿着德威校服和学校的黑色皮鞋。校服有夏装和冬装之分,学生需要根据季节更换相应校服。



All students except IB students (who adhere to a business dress code) are required to wear the school uniform. The school uniform is different for warm and cold weather, and students should adhere to seasonal requirements.

Uniforms can be purchased at the College Uniform Shop. 


Language Support
At Dulwich College Beijing, we welcome and appreciate the cultural diversity that non-native English speakers bring to the school and we are able to support a percentage of students who are non-native English speakers. Applicants who speak languages other than English should be able to demonstrate age-appropriate academic proficiency in their native tongue. Our Admissions team may request that students be assessed on their ability to handle the academic challenges of English before an admissions decision is made.



Learning Support
We only enrol students whom we know we can support. We enrol students with learning challenges where the information available indicates that the student’s learning needs can be met by the services we provide. Our team will consult students and parents to conduct all necessary assessments and review copies of all previous reports and records. We request that parents provide all information available to enable our admissions review team to make an accurate and informed decision about learning support services and admission.



北京德威英国国际学校 北京市顺义区首都机场路89号丽京花园7区 











学校根据适当年级的招生名额招收符合入学要求的学生。如果没有招生名额,或者申请入读的是此后的学年,则学生将被列入候补名单。我们将优先考虑目前在校生的兄弟姐妹以及从另一所德威国际学校转来的孩子。 等候名单只保留一个学年。


班级学生人数(最多)如下所示:亲子班 – 20人、幼儿班 – 18-19人、学前班 – 20人、德威1年级 – 21人、德威2年级 – 22人、德威3 -11年级 – 22人、IB国际文凭课程 – 德威、12、13年级 – 14人、学校保留特殊情况下增加班级学生人数的权利。








学校根据适当年级的招生名额招收符合入学要求的学生。如果没有招生名额,或者申请入读的是此后的学年,则学生将被列入候补名单。我们将优先考虑目前在校生的兄弟姐妹以及从另一所德威国际学校转来的孩子。 等候名单只保留一个学年。


班级学生人数(最多)如下所示:亲子班 – 20人、幼儿班 – 18-19人、学前班 – 20人、德威1年级 – 21人、德威2年级 – 22人、德威3 -11年级 – 22人、IB国际文凭课程 – 德威、12、13年级 – 14人、学校保留特殊情况下增加班级学生人数的权利。







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