
所在地区:上海 松江区学校性质:私立学校
学费:1.60~23.00万招生阶段:高中 初中 小学 幼儿园


导语:在赫德初中部,中英文输出同等重要,老师尽可能提供丰富的英语使用场景:世界学者杯、Spelling Bee、诗歌大满贯、英语配音大赛、英语演讲......同时,为了帮助学生更快速地进入更高阶段的学习,适应未来国际社会多元文化环境,学术独立性也是初中阶段的重要培养目标。

At HD Middle School, we aim to create an environment where using English is as normal and as natural as Chinese is. Teachers create as many scenarios for English practice as possible: the World Scholars’ Cup, Spelling Bee, Poetry Slams, English Dubbing Contest, English Speech Contest to name but a few. At the same time, and in order to help students to transfer quickly to higher levels of learning and adapt to the multicultural environment of the future international community, we see the development of academic independence as one of the key goals of middle school. 



在英语的教学中,包括英语课程及Global Perspective等全英文授课课程中,初中部的老师始终都以这样的初心和理念来鞭策自己,将开拓视野、打破文化界线作为课程教学的最终培养目标。



如何就一个主题进行英语阅读和研究?如果就研究结果撰写相关的论文?初中阶段的英语写作学术色彩更浓,需要学生有深度的思考,以及论文写作的能力。而这些都是为高中的IGCSE课程做准备,因为IGCSE的人文课程,如历史和Global Perspective等,都会涉及书面的论文,提早开始学习这些论文所需的技能是非常必要的,甚至在初中阶段便会提前完成一些论文英语写作的能力评估。

今年新开设的Global Perspective,和英语课程ELA一样,都是为了帮助学生更好地进入未来IGCSE课程的学习。所不同的是,它更侧重学培养学生就话题讨论的多种能力,比如问题思考能力,思辨与表达能力,团队合作能力等。而全英文教学的模式,则更有助于英语思维的建立和表达,以及多元文化的理解及视野的开拓。


除了英语课程和Global Perspective,音乐、戏剧等课程也是全英文教学,艺术、信息通信技术中会部分融入英语教学,其他科目如数学和科学,则会结合一定的英语学术词汇,以期让我们的孩子在英语课程学习的基础上,在其他学科语境也有着英语知识的学习和应用。


此外,为了营造英语学习和应用的浓郁氛围,赫德初中部每学期都有各种形式的校内外英语比赛或交流活动,比如世界学者杯、Spelling Bee、英语配音大赛、诗歌朗诵会、英语演讲等。与其说是针对英语的比赛,不如说是英语学术比赛,均涵盖了各种学科和综合技能,而不仅仅是 "英语课"。


最近初中部还在筹办一份英文校报HD HOWLER,还有家政课的策划,都是在锻炼学生英文能力的同时,为他们的未来发展提前做好准备。





Jay Heymans、Leon Martinez,感谢两位


Why do the HDSH Middle School value English learning and the cultivation of a Global Perspective? What is the goal of English learning in the HDSH Middle School?

Jay Heymans:

Many of our students plan going abroad. Without a realistic perspective of what the world "out there" is about, our students will struggle with culture shock and may find everything quite overpowering. We always keep this in mind when teaching English and GP.

Leon Martinez:

At HDSH we aim to cultivate a global perspective for two reasons. The first reason is that many of our students have the goal of traveling and/or studying overseas. Their ability to achieve success and integrate into their host country will improve if they are more aware of what and how people from other cultures and backgrounds think. The second reason is that the jobs and careers of the future will require more and more communication and interaction with people around the world. A broader perspective and awareness of the world outside China will give our students the courage to face their futures with wisdom and empathy.



For HD students, they have experienced immersive English learning at the early stage of learning. After the HDSH Middle School, what aspects of the improvement of English proficiency will the teacher pay more attention to?

Jay Heymans:

After Middle School these programmes will aim at greater academic independence, with a focus on students doing their own research and writing their own thesis.

Leon Martinez:

After middle school, students are expected to demonstrate more academic independence. The drive for improvement and awareness of what needs to be improved must come from the students themselves. In the middle school we give students the skills and tools they will need to practice this more independent approach in High School.  After Middle School, students will be expected to  do more of their own reading and research on topics they themselves have chosen.



Which courses are bilingual teaching at the HDSH Middle School which help to prepare the students before entering international courses in the future? Can you give an example?

Jay Heymans:

Music, Drama, GP and English are taught all in English. These help prepare our students for when they go study abroad. 

Leon Martinez:

English, Music, Drama, and Global Perspectives are taught only in English. Art and ICT are taught mostly in English. Other subjects like Math and Science integrate English vocabulary, but are taught primarily in Chinese.

English and Global Perspectives in the Middle School are designed to prepare students for IGCSE courses in High School. For example, many IGCSE Humanities courses, such as History and Global Perspectives, include a written paper (completed as coursework) as part of the exam. Students practice the skills required for these papers throughout the Middle School Global Perspectives and English curriculums. Even completing mini-versions of these assessments in Middle School years.



What are the main aspects of English learning in the HDSH Middle School? For children at different levels of English Learning, how does the teacher help them to improve their English ability?

Jay Heymans:

Our ELA materials are differentiated based on English Levels. We teach exactly the same Common Core Skills to all students, but we differentiate in Lexile levels of texts, as well as length of said texts.

Leon Martinez:

Assessments in Global Perspectives are designed to be approachable for students of various English levels. In Global Perspectives, English proficiency is not the skill being assessed. Instead, skills such as writing appropriate questions, collaborating with a team, or fairly expressing different perspectives are being assessed. These skills can be assessed in a variety of ways that enable all students to achieve success.



As a bilingual school, how does the HDSH Middle School build an atmosphere of spoken English and make English a part of student’s daily life?

Leon Martinez:

We know that for many of our students, their time at School is their only opportunity to speak and practice their English. For that reason, we aim to create an environment where English is as normal and as natural as Chinese is.  When you walk about the HDSH Middle School, you see a rich environment of BOTH English and Chinese. Many signs are written in both languages and some messages are delivered to students only in English. Additionally, students and teachers of all subjects are encouraged greet each other and have conversations in English.

Last month, Mr. Heymans, our Head of English, led a short PD session for our Chinese National staff about ways they can integrate more English into their everyday lessons.



Can you introduce some interesting English competitions or activities?

Jay Heymans:

We had the Spelling Bee and the Poetry Slams this Quarter. We are now working on a School Newspaper, potentially a Yearbook by Students as well as a Home Ec class to teach students basic skills they may need when going abroad.

Leon Martinez:

Rather than English specific competitions, I would suggest academic competitions such as the World Scholar's Cup. This competition, and others like it, are conducted in English, but cover a variety of subjects and skills beyond just "English class".  

There is a world of activities, competitions, and resources available to students. Finding something they are truly interested in and passionate about will help them stay motivated and keep going. If they love it enough, they will seek out materials and resources to keep learning, not just in Chinese, but in English and sometimes other languages too!














防霾气膜体育馆,双语图书馆、多功能大剧场、篮球场、足球场、网球场、 游泳馆、餐厅、多功能功能教室(音乐,美术,实验室,舞蹈,ICT)等。


童德托育中心17,000元/月;幼儿园148,000元/学年;小学150,000元/学年; 初中200,000元/学年(2020-2021学年)其他费用:校车费、校服费、餐费等。


上海赫德双语学校招收18个月- 3周岁,3-15周岁的学生,A Level预科项目计划于2020年9月开学。


