时间:2023-03-08 06:29:02
我校初中部共有7位同学入围决赛,其中2位同学进入Top 10, 1位同学进入Top 20, 4 位同学进入Top 30。
2021 黄浦区中学生英语原创演讲大赛
Top 10
G7 诸熠丞
G9 杨善乔
Top 20
G9 张椽聿
Top 30
G7 夏宜文 仇雨橙
G9 刘畅 方彦人
2021 校园文创设计 “最佳设计师”
蒋可言 杨莅安 仇依嘉 陆韵晞
孙思语 张小迩 蓝煊林 方城诺
在2021 Spelling Bee of China选拔阶段,我校小学部共有312位同学入围半决赛!再次祝贺所有同学,愿他们能继续在各种校内外挑战中再接再厉,获得更多荣誉!
2021 中文写字比赛
一年级 黄子曦
二年级 陈倖妤
三年级 张奕宸
四年级 蔡涵秋
五年级 陈霖
2021 英文写字比赛
一年级 付依娜
二年级 方思源
三年级 张奕宸
四年级 陈盈心
五年级 徐熙童
为了鼓励更多同学进一步提高自己的英文阅读水平,小学部所有在本学期Accelerated Reader中表现优异,阅读量超过百万单词的同学都收到了一份参加观影派对的邀请函,在享用热巧克力和饼干的同时与小伙伴们一起观看了圣诞主题电影。
岁末将至,2021年的校园生活已步入尾声,各学部也开展了音乐相关主题的庆祝活动。小学部举办了“圣诞才艺秀”,每个年级的同学们都带来了令人赞叹的表演。歌曲、舞蹈、演奏... 多才多艺的孩子们为大家呈现了一场“中西合璧”的音乐盛宴。
Student Awards
The three-month 2021 Huangpu Original Oratory Competition was successfully finished. The theme of this year’s competition was “change”. 7 of our Middle School students entered the finals, and 2 students were awarded “Top 10”, 1 student was awarded “Top 20”, and 4 students were awarded “Top 30.”
2021 HP OOC Winners List
Top 10
G7 Kevin Zhu
G9 Joanne Yang
Top 20
G9 Joseph Zhang
Top 30
G7 Evan Xia, Ora Qiu
G9 Charissa Liu, Geena Fang
The online vote for the “SCBS Creative Design Activity” was strongly supported by all of the students, teachers and parents, and we received about 2054 votes! After adding all the online and offline votes together, we would like to announced our eight “Best Designers”!
2021 SCBS Best Designers
(*listed in random order)
Coco Jiang, Lilianna Yang, Jenny Qiu, Iris Lu,
Yolanda Sun, Lucy Lan, Bryan Fang, Emma Zhang
In the 2021 Spelling Bee of China, about 312 pupils from our Primary School entered the semi-finals! Congratulations to all students above, and we hope they will continue to be high achievers.
Handwriting CompetitionsOur Primary School pupils had their second bilingual Handwriting Competitions. The Chinese competition examined our pupils’ writing posture, accuracy and aesthetics.
The Grade 5 pupils challenged themselves by writing calligraphy using ink brushes. Everyone enjoyed the beauty of Chinese characters through the activity.
2021 Chinese Handwriting Competition
Grade Winners
Grade 1 Andrew Huang
Grade 2 Carina Chen
Grade 3 Ivan Zhang
Grade 4 Rachel Cai
Grade 5 Thomas Chen
In the English Handwriting Competition, the SCBS Scribblers, the pupils submitted a poem using the letter formations they had learned in lessons. It was a great way for the children to show pride in their presentation when writing in English.
2021 SCBS Scribblers
Grade Winners
Grade 1 Fiona Fu
Grade 2 George Fang
Grade 3 Ivan Zhang
Grade 4 Anna Chen
Grade 5 Nico Xi
AR Christmas Party
In our Primary School, the pupils who had excellent progress in Accelerated Reader this term were invited to a party. Not only did they enjoy hot chocolate and cookies, they also had a great time watching a Christmas movie with their classmates together.
Rope-skipping Competition
Although winter had arrived already, the campus of SCBS was filled with passion for sports. In this month, our Middle School held a rope-skipping competition.
All of the teams from each House started to practise during break times as soon as they learned about the competition schedules. It not only encouraged more students to participate in sports but also let the four Houses demonstrate their competitiveness.
Moral Education Lectures
4th December is the eighth National Constitution Day. Our Primary School held a themed lecture to introduce the significance of law to our pupils.
We all have different kinds of moods, and it is important for us to control our emotions. G4 and G5 pupils in our Primary School participated in a lecture called “Be Friends with Our Emotions.” The children studied how to control their emotions and how to keep positive when facing difficulties.
Music Celebrations
The end of 2021 is getting closer, and different Schools also held music events to celebrate. The Primary School had the “Christmas Talent Show”. Songs, dances, musical instruments... we were amazed by all of the performances that our children brought on stage.
The prelude of the Middle School Music Festival had also started. Over 40 programmes signed up for the competition, and the final will take place in January. Please look forward to it!
In the High School Music Event, the audience not only enjoyed the singing of the students but also participated in a lottery draw. With music and laughter, the school life of 2021 had come to the end.
During the academic break, our students will also participate in social practice activities to explore the history of our country.
2021 is a year full of harvest and happiness. As the clock is ticking to 2022, SCBS would like to wish you a happy New Year!
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