时间:2023-02-08 07:32:11
一滴水能反射出太阳的光辉 A drop of water can reflect the light of the sun 一份爱足以体现人间的温暖 Atiny movement oflove is enough to show the warmth of the human world 12月23日,宏文学校成都安仁校区举办爱心义卖活动,学生担任“主角”,他们通过自制饼干、糕点、奶茶等美食进行义卖,涓涓细流汇成爱的海洋,为需要帮助的人送去关爱。 On December 23rd, our school held a charity sale led by students. They sold cookies, cakes, milk tea and other delicious food made by themselves, and the tri 爱心义卖活动得到全校师生的积极响应,义卖现场热闹非凡,学生,老师都热情参与。 The charity sale received positive response from all teachers and students in the school. The scene of the charity sale was very lively. students, and teachers all enthusiastically participated in it. 各类美食琳琅满目,引来同学们的争相购买,孩子们想通过自己的力量去帮助别人。 Students in our school wanted to help others through their own strength, so there was a rush to buy all kinds of delicious food by them. “通过本次活动不仅看到了学生们独特的经济头脑,销售方式和策略也看到了学生的创造力和无限的潜力。”Dylan Wood老师认为。 "Through this activity, we not only saw the students' unique economic mind, sales methods and strategies, but also the students' creativity and unlimited potential." Mr. Dylan Wood thinks. 同学们纷纷表示,义卖所得的善款将捐给那些有需要帮助的人,希望通过爱心义卖贡献自己的一份力量。 Students have said that the charity money from the charity sale will be donated to those in need. They hope to do their bits through the charity sale. 帮助他人,快乐自己,让我们的校园里爱心流动,让我们的校园里真情传递,让我们的校园到处充满感恩的气息。 Helping others, being happy with yourself, making love flow in our campus, our school is full of gratitude because of the charity sale. 此次活动,既激发了学生的自主参与性,增强了学生社会交往、与人沟通、动脑动手等方面的能力,又培养了学生的情商与财商,提高了学生的综合能力。 This activity not only stimulates students' independent participation, enhancing their abilities in social communication, usingtheir handsandbrain, but also cultivated students' emotional quotient and financial quotient, and improved students' comprehensive ability. 更多成都国际学校资讯,可以到本网站查看!免责声明:文章内容来自网络,如有侵权请及时联系删除。