时间:2023-02-09 05:09:03
5月7日早上,成都协同学校G-7年级的学生在老师们的带领下,开展一场走出课堂学以致用、体验茶道的采茶制茶活动。 CCIS G5-7 students and the teachers went on a trip to learn about the tea culture and enjoyed a hands-on close-up with tea making.#01
采茶 Tea Picking
After a 1.5-hour car ride, we arrived at Chaxi Valley at the foot Mt Qingcheng. Taking a hand-weaved basket, we set off to the tea field which looked like bench terrace. We were instructed to pick the tender shoots at the top of tea trees; they should not be too small nor too spread-out.
After thirty minutes’ picking, we went back to make tea.
制茶 Tea Making
After gathering all our harvest, we picked out the qualified leaves, and waited them to cool down under a process called “tanliang”.
"Shaqing" was the next step where we poured out the tea leaves into a large iron wok to stir. Our students all put on gloves and tried the process. Soon after some time of stirring, we could smell the fragrance of tea.
In order to bring out the best flavor of the tea, we rolled up the leaves in clockwise motion, braking the cell wall of the tea leaves and letting the last bit of water evaporate.
Hugry as we were, we still couldn’t drink the tea we made. Because the tea was too “dry” to be drunk right away. As we learned, fresh tea needs to to sit for at least one week before it is ready to be drunk.
学习茶道 Teaism Learning 午餐后我们跟从国家级茶艺高级技师周先生学习茶艺。 After lunch, we learned tea art from Mr. Zhou, a senior technician of national tea art. 首先是认识茶具。周先生向我们一一介绍了茶则、茶针、茶漏、茶夹、茶匙、茶筒,也称茶道六君子,提醒我们茶道也是做人之道,做人当如君子,自强不息。盖碗亦称三才杯,茶盖为天,杯身如人,杯托为地,天人合一,道法自然。品茗杯要用大拇指食指握住,中指托底,称“三龙护体”。 We first learned about the tea sets and their functions. He mentioned that the process of tea-making was just as building character in a person, bearing gentleness and perseverance. We learned a lot about the terms of tea sets and their functions. They were full of Tao philosophy. 茶道第一步:摆正茶具 。第二步:温杯洁具。第三步:取茶叶。第四步:注水,七分即可。学生们还学到若满则“欺”,茶道融儒释道等中国传统哲学,即做人之道。第五步:右手持茶夹,左手持茶巾,清洗品茗杯,用茶巾托住给客人的品茗杯。第六步:倒茶。右手取公道杯先倒给客人,再倒给自己 。做出手势请客人喝茶,点头示意,注重大雅之相、修身养性、平心静气。 Besides recognizing the tea set, there were also many steps to brewing tea. Setting the cups in the right direction, warming the set, taking leaves, puring water. Each step has their own procedure and principal. Accoridng to the Chinese tea philosophy, there were also any etiquettes of serving tea: how to hold the tongue, what order to serve, which direction to go, how to use body language, and what attitude to hold. All goes to show the whole being of the person. 周先生讲解、示范之后,轮到同学们动手实践了。只听乒乒乓乓,有的掉了杯子,有的连夹子也掉了,但大家还是耐心十足,小心翼翼一步步跟从步骤,笨拙又认真的样子可爱极了。周先生提醒同学们先敬茶给在场的老师们。同学们一个个乖巧鞠躬的模样跟平时淘气的样子判若两人。 After Mr. Zhou’s demonstration, our students then started their servings. “Cling, cling, cling”, it was not as easy as we thought. Some dropped their cups, some their tongue. However, everyone had a good attitude to start from the beginning. Though a bit clumsy, it was a good lesson of patience. At the end students tucked away their playful self, and served tea like a master. 学完茶道,我们告别茶溪谷,返回学校。虽然是忙碌的一天,但是学生们过的十分充实。通过本次活动,不仅了解到茶叶及茶文化,作为我国传统文化凝聚了我国古代劳动人民千百年来的智慧,还意识到茶叶来之不易,增强学生们的民族自豪感。 The day trip was finally over, and we were back to school life. Although it was a busy day, we had much fun learning. Through this tea experience, not only did we learn about tea, we got to experience the process of tea making and be amazed by the wisdom of the Chinese. 更多国际学校资讯,可以进入本网站查看!