【校友来信】在烟台耀华,成为更好的自己 I miss you Yantai!
时间:2022-01-27 22:03:14
Seo Young Son
You can face the difficulty as much as you can , even if you were not successful, you may be able to learn some lessons through the experience
Sophia Son
Studied at the Yew Wah-Yantai from 2005 to 2014
Master of Public Health, University of Melbourne
Participated in a two-week public health project in Cambodia
我是Seo Young Son,一名耀华人,2005年至2014年就读于烟台耀华国际教育学校。我现在是墨尔本大学公共卫生专业的硕士生,将在年底毕业,成为一个非政府组织的工作人员,对于即将开始的人生新篇章我充满期待。
Dear fellow students at Yew Wah International School of Yantai:
I am Seo Young Son, an “ex-YewWahnese” studied at the school from 2005 to 2014.
I am currently a student at the University of Melbourne, studying Master of Public Health (MPH). I am about to graduate at the end of the year and I am excited to start a new chapter in my life, hopefully working for a Non-Government Organization.
While studying at Yew Wah, I was an enthusiastic student who was very eager to try out most of the activities if I got time for it. Thus, I took parts in school provided including the student council, Girls’ basketball team, orchestra, choir and other afterschool activities.
During studying Co-ordinated science in IGCSE ,I found Biology more interesting and I enjoyed the dissection experiment the most, I got into Bachelor of Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne in 2016.
Since very young I loved helping others. I participated in all of the volunteering opportunities at Yew Wah including orphanage, nursing house and the Qufu Hope school. My volunteering experiences are full of happiness and joyful memories, all this laid the foundation for my future career choice. In order to have hands-on experience in the public health field, I was off to Cambodia for two weeks to participate in a public health project last winter break. I am glad that I participated in the project as now I am even more certain about my future career.
I transferred to an Australian high school after IGCSE. I was very nervous when I moved to Australia. Luckily having experience with foreign teachers at Yew wah, adopting to new environment was not as difficult as I imagined. Although it was just the beginning of the second semester in Australia, but school gave me credit for the first semester of year 11 based on my IGCSE grades ,so I could complete the course over a year and a half. Meanwhile,I was the only foreigner studying First language English in our cohort.
In fact, I have similar experience in Yew Wah. I was the only foreigner studying Chinese as the first language until year 9 in our cohort. At the time, it is very tough and stressful but the pain does pay off. I got lots of benefits from studying Chinese at Yew Wah. I was privileged to emcee in Chinese at the concert celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Korea-China Diplomatic Relations; I took Chinese test without taking Chinese classes for extra credit to compensate my English grades and it helped me to get into the University of Melbourne. Moreover, new friends who could speak Chinses helped me a lot when I transferred to school in Australia and my current flat mate is also Chinese.
Seo Young Son
The influence of the secondary school life is not limited to go to universities. It is important to get a good mark as a student but having diverse experiences is as important if not more important. When I am thinking back to teenage or school life, Yew Wah comes first in my mind. Times at Yew Wah is like the gem of my student life.
I hope all of you who are reading this to have similar experience while you are at Yew Wah, maximise the opportunity you have and great times with your friends. I also recommend you to face the difficulty as much as you can to get the most out of it. Even if you were not successful, you may be able to learn some lessons through the experience. Nowadays, to be able to speak Chinese is a huge advantage, so try to learn it as much as possible while you are in China. The best way and the most effective way to learn a new language is by staying in the native country. Not everyone has this opportunity to study Chinese in China so cherish it and make a good use of the environment of Yew Wah and be an excellent bilingual or trilingual.
Best wishs!
Seo Young Son
June 18th, 2020