时间:2024-03-29 00:20:01
点击登录<<<< 天津枫叶国际学校官网登陆天津泰达枫叶国际学校是大连枫叶教育集团旗下的一所全日制国际学校,也是大连枫叶教育集团第一个外埠教育园区。学校坐落在天津市经济技术开发区第三大街71号,占地面积10万多平方米,建筑面积7万多平方米,绿化面积约4万平方米。2016-2017年度下学期学生规模达到了4500余人。学校办学设施先进,交通便利,环境优雅。学校坚持“中西教育优化结合,全面实施素质教育”的办学理念,坚持以培养国际精英人才为育人目标,坚持“尊重、关爱、引领、成全”服务理念,不分种族、肤色、国籍,为所有受教育者提供一流的教育服务。园区下设幼儿园、小学校区、初中校区和高中校区。
Maple Leaf International School-Tianjin TEDA
Maple Leaf International School-Tianjin TEDA is a full-time international school under the China Maple Leaf Educational Systems. It is also the first educational park located outside of Dalian. Situated on the No.71, 3rd Avenue, TEDA, Tianjin, the school covers 100,000 square meters with 700,000 square meters of building area and 40,000 square meters of green area. The student number reached more than 4500 by the second semester, 2016-2017 school year. The school enjoys advanced facilities, convenient transportation and a beautiful environment. Blending the best education of China and Canada and implementing quality education, the school strives to cultivate international elites with the service philosophy of “Respect, Care, Guidance and Achievement”. The Elementary School, Middle School and High School offer quality education and first-class service to all students regardless of their race, colour or nationality.
The Elementary School provides Chinese national nine-year compulsory educational program with a focus on students’ ability development and English strength. The happy education respects each student’s individuality and interest. The students’ English vocabulary will reach 2500 upon graduation. The school offers over 40 electives. The goal is to help students achieve personal development and harmonious growth.
The Middle School provides Chinese national nine-year compulsory educational program through the “Three Good Habits Model”. Differentiated teaching is delivered and traditional Chinese education is strengthened. Over 50 electives are available to students. The program is to help students lay a good foundation, expand their horizon, and develop their creativity. The emphasis on English classes will enable students to master 5500 vocabularies upon graduation. The Middle School will promote students’ academic development and personal development and prepare them for a smooth transition into Maple Leaf High School.
The High School introduces BC textbooks from Canada as well as assessment system and provides a bilingual and dual diploma educational system certified by both China and Canada. English, math, physics, chemistry, science, PE and art are taught by BC certified teachers. Mandarin, politics, history, geography and humanities are taught by Chinese teachers. Students take classes according to their individual schedules. The school respects students’ individuality, hobbies and future planning and celebrates honesty. Students’ daily performance, attendance, assignment, social practice, community work, clubs and counselor course account for 60 % of the final mark. Provincial exams account for 40% of the final mark. Besides academic studies, moral education and patriotic education are also emphasized. Students’ management skills, leadership skills, planning skills, communication skills and entrepreneurial skills are nurtured here. Students will receive both BC high school diploma and Chinese high school diploma upon graduation. Students can apply for universities and colleges in English-speaking countries with their credits instead of taking Chinese college entrance examinations. Maple Leaf Education combines two languages, two cultures and two ways of thinking, setting a solid foundation for nurturing international elites.
Graduation Consultation Centre provides overseas studies guidance and quality visa service. The success rate of the visa application has been 100% for six years. International University/College Student Recruitment Fair is hosted in November every year. So far over 1000 Maple Leaf graduates of the past 6 graduating classes have been accepted into world famous universities, nearly 50% of which have been admitted into top 100 universities. Up until February 28, 2017, eight students have received offers from top 10 universities.
School Honors:
Best Organization Award of the 2010 CCTV English Speaking and Talent Competition;
“Pioneer in Education” prize in the “Model Tianjin” in 2011;
“Most Trustworthy International School Brand” nationwide in 2012; Peking University’s “Youth Quality Education and Talent Cultivation (Tianjin) Base”, “Research Base of School Psychology Education” accredited by Chinese Psychological Society; experimental school of Tianjin Education Association’s 12th Five Year project “Youth Quality Education and Talent Cultivation”; experimental base of China’s Education and Technology 12th Five Year project “Research on Developing Individual Learning and Improving Teaching Efficiency”;
In 2013, “Quality Education” prize by TEDA Education Bureau for the 2012-2013 school year; experimental school of “Beijing Normal University’s Life Education”;
In 2014, Maple Leaf International School was voted “the Most Distinctive International School” at the English Education Annual Meeting; “Science, Technology and Culture Education” prize in the “Model Tianjin” in 2014; “Environmental Friendly School” in the Binhai New Area; Excellent School in Environmental Protection in TEDA 2013-2014;
“Science, Technology and Culture Education” prize in the “Model Tianjin” in 2015; General Headmaster Mr. Long Yongxiang was voted “Innovative Entrepreneur”; “Innovative Example School” in Chinese Private Education;
“Science, Technology and Culture Education” prize in the “Model Tianjin” in 2016; “Advanced School in Art Education” in the Binhai New Area; “Facilitator in Building a Harmonious Neighborhood” by TEDA Education Bureau.
依据适龄学生人数,科学划定学区片,公办初中实行划片招生,全面落实 免试就近入学 政策。坚持公办、民办学校同步招生。切实落实国家 义务教育 免试就近入学要求。1、凡具有本区户籍(含蓝印户籍)的学生,持 居民户口簿 、学生父母的合法固定居所证明、小学毕业学校打印的《天津市初中入学信息登记表》,在规定的招生时间内,到所属服务区公办初中报名登记。学生户籍的户主,必须是学生的父母、祖父母或外祖父母。
选择国际学校还要看学校的升学率,天津以下几所国际学校升学率非常不错,值得选择!NO.1 天津惠灵顿学校(红桥区 -zd-xxm )
NO.2 天津黑利伯瑞国际学校(武清区 -zd-xxm )
2013年成立办学以来,天津黑利伯瑞国际学校已经拥有六个毕业班已经有近 500 名优秀毕业生顺利完成毕业。保持每年超过50%的毕业生被世界排名前 100 的大学录取,剩下的40%进入了世界排名前 2-3% 的大学,拥有100%的升学率。
NO.3 美国法拉古特学校天津校区(和平区 -zd-xxm )
其中更是不乏诸如:宾西法尼亚大学(U.S.NEWS全美综合排名第8)、塔夫茨大学 (U.S.NEWS全美综合排名第28)、纽约大学 (U.S.NEWS全美综合排名第28)、佛罗里达大学(U.S.NEWS全美综合排名第28)、威斯康辛麦迪逊大学(U.S.NEWS全美综合排名第42)、华盛顿大学(2022U.S. News世界大学排名第7名)、香港大学(QS世界大学排名第22)、多伦多大学 (QS世界大学排名第59)等。以上就是天津枫叶国际学校简介(天津英华国际学校高中招生条件)全部内容,更多相关信息,敬请关注国际学校。