时间:2023-01-01 21:23:01
Peking University Experimental School curricula are designed by curriculum research and development teams that consist of experts from Peking University, National Institute Of Education Sciences and domestic and foreign educators, with full understanding of our educational philosophy and objectives. The IB philosophy, mission and learner’s profile are fully integrated into the curriculum.
课程结构 Curriculum Structure
1.传统文化教育 Traditional Cultural Education将国学诵读、经典阅读、随笔写作、影视鉴赏、传统文化等与国标语文课程相结合,开设独具特色的大语文课程,培养学生深厚的中华传统文化底蕴和人文素养。
Traditional culture education is consisted of Sinology reading, classics reading, essay writing, movie appreciation, local culture appreciation and national course, to cultivate students with profound traditional cultural awareness and humanistic quality.
2.跨文化理解与交流 Cross-cultural Understanding and Communication通过个性化英语课程及国际游学课程,提高学生英语阅读与表达能力,开阔学生文化视野,培养理解多元文化的能力与胸襟,培养跨文化交流的意识与能力,促进不同语言、文化间的交流和沟通,使学生成为具有国际情怀的人。
We offer extensive and selected English courses and international study field trips to improve students' English reading and speaking ability, to help students to understand cultural diversity, to cultivate an understanding of cross-cultural communication and to promote exchange and communication in different languages, for the purpose of developing students’ international-mindedness.
3.北大红船品格教育 Peking University Red Boat Spirit Education以品格关键词为核心,融合北大精神与嘉兴红船文化,自主开发了北大红船体验式品格课程,关注细节,重视体验,在日常学习与生活中帮助学生形成受益一生的卓越品格。
Peking University Red Boat Spirit education is affiliated with Peking University spirit with the red boat culture of Jia Xing city.
4.以探究为核心的超学科主题课程 Trans-disciplinary Curriculum with Inquiry Study at the Core在教师引导下,学生自主选题、自主设计探究方案,围绕六大主题开展超学科的探究实践活动,培养好奇心与感知力,通过综合性的知识学习与技能训练,发展对概念的理解,养成积极的学习态度,鼓励主动探究和思维创新,激发责任心和行动力,培养有未来竞争力的精英人才。
With teacher's guidance, students select topics and design research projects independently and conduct trans-disciplinary learning activities around six themes, enhancing their curiosity and perceptive understanding. With comprehensive learning and skills training, students develop understanding of concepts, attitudes, creative and critical thinking, encouraging active exploration and innovative thinking, also responsible action and excellence. These aspects are taught in the junior and middle years.
5.STEM核心素养 STEM Core Literacy
STEM core literacy focuses on four major science areas that cover science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, also focuses on a mixture of subjects, logical thinking and skills training. It develops and utilizes various fields with resources such as parents, society, governments, enterprises, media, celebrities, engineers and scientists. Students then can enhance their technological literacy and innovation ability in all directions.
6.生活即教育 Life as an Education Philosophy奉行全面育人理念,提供寄宿制服务,学校秉承陶行知先生“生活即教育”的思想,融教育于生活,从日常生活的细节做起培养学生的基本生活能力、人际交往能力与自我管理能力等。
We pursue comprehensive educational philosophy, provide boarding services, and inherit Tao Xingzhi's “life is education philosophy”, which embeds education in daily life. The philosophy also develops the students' basic skills, such as interpersonal skill and self management.
7.运动与健康 Sport and Fitness
We offer a wide range of sports and after school activities which cater for individuals, teams and qualities such as sportsmanship.
8.才艺与审美 Talent and the Arts
Students will have a wide range of optional classes, such as music, visual and fine art, calligraphy, dancing, handcraft and drama based on their interests.