
年均学费:澳币 39000录取要求: LELTS:6.5分
年均学费:澳币 23000录取要求: LELTS:6.5分
今天国际学校小编整理了西悉尼大学开设哪些专业 相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好帮助到大家。



专业治疗学士(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy)---
专业治疗学士(荣誉)(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours))---
中医学学士(Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine)---
中医硕士(Master of Chinese Medicine)---
中药学士(Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine)---
中药硕士(Master of Chinese Medicine )---
人类学学士(Bachelor of Anthropology)---
人道主义和发展研究学士(Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies)---
人道主义和发展研究硕士(Master of Humanitarian and Development Studies)---
会计学士(Bachelor of Accounting)---
会计学硕士(Master of Accountancy)---
信息和通信技术学士(Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology)---
信息和通信技术学士(健康信息管理)(Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management))---
信息和通信技术学士(高级)(Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology(Advanced))---
信息和通信技术研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Information and Communications Technology)---
信息和通信技术研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Information and Communications Technology)---
信息和通信技术硕士(Master of Information and Communications Technology)---
信息和通信技术硕士(高级)(Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced))---
信息系统学士(Bachelor of Information Systems)---
信息系统学士(高级)(Bachelor of Information Systems (Advanced))---
健康理科学士(Bachelor of Health Science)---
健康理科学士(护理医学)(Bachelor of Health Science(Paramedicine))---
健康科学学士(Bachelor of Health Science)---
健康科学学士(体育和运动科学)(Bachelor of Health Science (Sport and Exercise Science))---
健康科学学士(健康与体育教育)(Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education))---
健康科学学士(健康和体育教育)衔接教学学士中学(Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education) Pathway to Teaching Secondary) )---
健康科学学士(辅助医学)(Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine))---
健康科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Health Science)---
健康科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Health Science)---
健康科学硕士(Master of Health Science)---
公共健康研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Public Health)---
公共健康研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Public Health)---
公共健康硕士(Master of Public Health)---
刑事与社区司法学士(Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice)---
刑事和社区司法学士(Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice)---
刑事学学士(Bachelor of Criminology)---
创意艺术硕士(Master of Creative Arts)---
创意音乐疗法硕士(Master of Creative Music Therapy)---
初级保健硕士(Master of Primary Health Care)---
助产学士(Bachelor of Midwifery)---
医学学士(Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery)---
医学研究学士(Bachelor of Medical Research)---
医学科学学士(Bachelor of Medical Science)---
医学科学学士(高级)(Bachelor of Medical Science (Advanced))---
口译与笔译硕士(Master of Interpreting and Translation)---
口译和翻译研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Interpreting and Translation)---
口译和翻译硕士(Master of Interpreting and Translation)---
口译研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Interpreting)---
可持续农业和食品安全学士(Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security)---
商业学士(高级商业领导)(Bachelor of Business (Advanced Business Leadership))---
商学学士(Bachelor of Business)---
商学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Business)---
商学硕士(人力资源管理)(Master of Commerce (Human Resource Management))---
商学硕士(市场营销)(Master of Business (Marketing))---
商学硕士(房地产投资与发展)(Master of Commerce (Property Investment and Development))---
商学硕士(运营管理)(Master of Business (Operations Management))---
商科PQP项目(Postgraduate Qualifying Program for Business)---
国际犯罪学硕士(Master of International Criminology)---
国际研究学士(Bachelor of International Studies)---
城市管理与规划研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Urban Management and Planning)---
城市管理与规划研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Urban Management and Planning)---
城市管理与规划硕士(Master of Urban Management and Planning)---
大众传媒学士(Bachelor of Communication )---
对外英语教学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in TESOL)---
对外英语教学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in TESOL)---
工业设计学士(Bachelor of Industrial Design )---
工业设计学士(Bachelor of Industrial Design)---
工业设计(荣誉)学士(Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours))---
工商管理研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Business Administration)---
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)---
工商管理硕士/应用金融硕士(Master of Business Administration/Master of Applied Finance)---
工理科士(荣誉)(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours))---
工理科学士(Bachelor of Engineering Science)---
工科硕士(Master of Engineering)---
工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering)---
工程研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Engineering)---
工程硕士(Master of Engineering)---
工程科学学士(Bachelor of Engineering Science)---
应用金融研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance)---
应用金融硕士(Master of Applied Finance)---
建筑技术学士(Bachelor of Construction Technology)---
建筑管理学士(Bachelor of Construction Management)---
建筑设计管理学士(Bachelor of Building Design Management)---
建筑设计管理科士(Bachelor of Building Design Management)---
心理学学士(Bachelor of Psychology)---
心理学研究生证书课程(Graduate Diploma of Psychology)---
心理学研究研究生证书课程(Graduate Diploma of Psychological Studies)---
心理治疗与咨询硕士(Master of Psychotherapy and Counselling)---
心理治疗和辅导硕士(Master of Psychotherapy and Counselling)---
护理学士(Bachelor of Nursing)---
护理学士(毕业生直入)(Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry) )---
护理学士(高级)(Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced))---
护理研究生文凭课程(职业研究)(Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Professional Studies))---
护理研究生证书课程(职业研究)(Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Professional Studies))---
护理硕士(Master of Nursing)---
护理硕士(职业研究)(Master of Nursing (Professional Studies))---
护理科士(Bachelor of Nursing)---
教学硕士(5岁/ 12岁)(Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 years))---
教学硕士(中学)(Master of Teaching (Secondary))---
教学硕士(小学)(Master of Teaching (Primary))---
数据科学学士(Bachelor of Data Science)---
文学、法律双学士(Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws)---
文学和创意写作硕士(Master of Arts in Literature and Creative Writing)---
文学士(Bachelor of Arts)---
文学士(双学位)(Bachelor of Arts(double))---
文学学士(Bachelor of Arts)---
文学学士(笔译与口译)(Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation))---
文学学士(衔接教学学士5~12岁)(Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12) )---
文学学士(衔接教学学士中学)(Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) )---
文学学士(衔接教学学士小学)(Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary))---
文学硕士(口译和翻译)(Master of Arts Translation and Interpreting Studies)---
文学硕士(对外英语教学)(Master of Arts (TESOL))---
施工技术硕士(Bachelor of Construction Technology)---
施工管理硕士(Bachelor of Construction Management)---
施工管理科学士(Bachelor of Construction Management Studies)---
旅游管理学士(Bachelor of Tourism Management)---
法律学士(毕业生直入)(Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry))---
法律学士(非毕业生直入)(Bachelor of Laws (Non Graduate Entry))---
法律硕士(国际管理)(Master of Laws (International Governance))---
流行病学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Epidemiology)---
流行病学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Epidemiology)---
流行病学硕士(Master of Epidemiology)---
犯罪学学士(Bachelor of Criminology)---
理学学士(Bachelor of Science)---
理学学士―衔接教学学士(中学)(Bachelor of Science - Pathway to Teaching (Secondary))---
理学学士(动物学)(Bachelor of Science (Zoology))---
理学学士(化学)(Bachelor of Science (Chemistry))---
理学学士(数学科学)(Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Science))---
理学学士(法医科学)(Bachelor of Science (Forensic Science))---
理学学士(环境科学)(Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science))---
理学学士(生物科学)(Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences))---
理学学士(营养&食品科学)(Bachelor of Science (Nutrition & Food Sciences))---
理学学士(高级理学)(Bachelor of Science (Advanced Science))---
社会学硕士(Master of Social Science)---
社会工作学士(Bachelor of Social Work)---
社会工作硕士(专业资格)(Master of Social Work (Qualifying))---
社会工作(资格)硕士(Master of Social Work (Qualifying))---
社会科学学士(Bachelor of Social Science)---
社会科学学士(心理学)(Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology))---
社会科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Social Science)---
社会科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Social Science)---
社会科学硕士(Master of Social Science)---
社区福利学士(Bachelor of Community Welfare)---
翻译和对外英语教学硕士(Master of Translation and TESOL)---
翻译研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Translation)---
职业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)---
职业心理学硕士(Master of Professional Psychology)---
职业治疗学士(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy)---
聚众媒体研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Convergent Media)---
聚众媒体研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Convergent Media)---
聚众媒体硕士(Master of Convergent Media)---
自然科学学士(动物科学)(Bachelor of Natural Science (Animal Science))---
自然科学学士(环境管理)(Bachelor of Natural Science (Environmental Management))---
自然科学学士(高级)(Bachelor of Natural Science (Advanced))---
艺术疗法硕士(Master of Art Therapy)---
规划学士(Bachelor of Planning )---
规划学学士(衔接城市管理与规划硕士)(Bachelor of Planning (Pathway to Master of Urban Management and Planning))---
规划学硕士(Master of Planning)---
警务学学士(Bachelor of Policing)---
计算机科学学士(Bachelor of Computer Science )---
计算机科学学士(高级)(Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced))---
设计与技术学士(Bachelor of Design and Technology)---
设计学士(视觉传达)(Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication))---
语言与语言学学士(Bachelor of Language and Linguistics)---
语言和语言学学士(Bachelor of Language and Linguistics)---
足病医学学士(Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine)---
金融硕士(Master of Finance)---
音乐学士(Bachelor of Music)---
高级工商管理硕士(Executive Master of Business Administration)---
高级工理科士(荣誉)(Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours))---
会计学士(Bachelor of Accounting)本科商科36个月
商业学士(高级商业领导)(Bachelor of Business (Advanced Business Leadership))本科商科36个月
商学学士(Bachelor of Business)本科商科36个月
旅游管理学士(Bachelor of Tourism Management)本科商科36个月
商学硕士(市场营销)(Master of Business (Marketing))硕士商科12个月
商学硕士(房地产投资与发展)(Master of Commerce (Property Investment and Development))硕士商科12个月
商学硕士(运营管理)(Master of Business (Operations Management))硕士商科12个月
商学硕士(人力资源管理)(Master of Commerce (Human Resource Management))硕士商科18个月
职业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)硕士商科18个月
金融硕士(Master of Finance)硕士商科18个月
会计学硕士(Master of Accountancy)硕士商科24个月
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)硕士商科24个月
应用金融硕士(Master of Applied Finance)硕士商科24个月
高级工商管理硕士(Executive Master of Business Administration)硕士商科24个月
工商管理硕士/应用金融硕士(Master of Business Administration/Master of Applied Finance)硕士商科30个月
商科PQP项目(Postgraduate Qualifying Program for Business)硕士商科6个月
商学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Business)研究生文凭商科6个月
工商管理研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Business Administration)研究生文凭商科6个月
应用金融研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance)研究生文凭商科6个月
信息和通信技术学士(Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology)本科工科36个月
信息和通信技术学士(健康信息管理)(Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management))本科工科36个月
信息和通信技术学士(高级)(Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology(Advanced))本科工科36个月
信息系统学士(Bachelor of Information Systems)本科工科36个月
信息系统学士(高级)(Bachelor of Information Systems (Advanced))本科工科36个月
工理科学士(Bachelor of Engineering Science)本科工科36个月
工程科学学士(Bachelor of Engineering Science)本科工科36个月
建筑技术学士(Bachelor of Construction Technology)本科工科36个月
数据科学学士(Bachelor of Data Science)本科工科36个月
施工技术硕士(Bachelor of Construction Technology)本科工科36个月
施工管理科学士(Bachelor of Construction Management Studies)本科工科36个月
规划学学士(衔接城市管理与规划硕士)(Bachelor of Planning (Pathway to Master of Urban Management and Planning))本科工科36个月
计算机科学学士(Bachelor of Computer Science )本科工科36个月
计算机科学学士(高级)(Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced))本科工科36个月
设计与技术学士(Bachelor of Design and Technology)本科工科36个月
工业设计学士(Bachelor of Industrial Design )本科工科48个月
工业设计学士(Bachelor of Industrial Design)本科工科48个月
工业设计(荣誉)学士(Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours))本科工科48个月
工理科士(荣誉)(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours))本科工科48个月
工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering)本科工科48个月
建筑管理学士(Bachelor of Construction Management)本科工科48个月
建筑设计管理学士(Bachelor of Building Design Management)本科工科48个月
建筑设计管理科士(Bachelor of Building Design Management)本科工科48个月
施工管理硕士(Bachelor of Construction Management)本科工科48个月
高级工理科士(荣誉)(Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours))本科工科48个月
城市管理与规划硕士(Master of Urban Management and Planning)硕士工科12个月
信息和通信技术硕士(Master of Information and Communications Technology)硕士工科24个月
工科硕士(Master of Engineering)硕士工科24个月
工程硕士(Master of Engineering)硕士工科24个月
规划学硕士(Master of Planning)硕士工科24个月
信息和通信技术硕士(高级)(Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced))硕士工科30个月
信息和通信技术研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Information and Communications Technology)研究生文凭工科12个月
城市管理与规划研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Urban Management and Planning)研究生文凭工科12个月
城市管理与规划研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Urban Management and Planning)研究生文凭工科12个月
工程研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Engineering)研究生文凭工科12个月
信息和通信技术研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Information and Communications Technology)研究生文凭工科18个月
健康科学学士(健康和体育教育)衔接教学学士中学(Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education) Pathway to Teaching Secondary) )本科教育与师范36个月
文学学士(衔接教学学士5~12岁)(Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12) )本科教育与师范36个月
文学学士(衔接教学学士中学)(Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) )本科教育与师范36个月
文学学士(衔接教学学士小学)(Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary))本科教育与师范36个月
教学硕士(中学)(Master of Teaching (Secondary))硕士教育与师范24个月
教学硕士(小学)(Master of Teaching (Primary))硕士教育与师范24个月
教学硕士(5岁/ 12岁)(Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 years))硕士教育与师范30个月
医学科学学士(Bachelor of Medical Science)本科理科36个月
医学科学学士(高级)(Bachelor of Medical Science (Advanced))本科理科36个月
可持续农业和食品安全学士(Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security)本科理科36个月
理学学士(Bachelor of Science)本科理科36个月
理学学士―衔接教学学士(中学)(Bachelor of Science - Pathway to Teaching (Secondary))本科理科36个月
理学学士(动物学)(Bachelor of Science (Zoology))本科理科36个月
理学学士(化学)(Bachelor of Science (Chemistry))本科理科36个月
理学学士(数学科学)(Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Science))本科理科36个月
理学学士(法医科学)(Bachelor of Science (Forensic Science))本科理科36个月
理学学士(环境科学)(Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science))本科理科36个月
理学学士(生物科学)(Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences))本科理科36个月
理学学士(营养&食品科学)(Bachelor of Science (Nutrition & Food Sciences))本科理科36个月
理学学士(高级理学)(Bachelor of Science (Advanced Science))本科理科36个月
自然科学学士(动物科学)(Bachelor of Natural Science (Animal Science))本科理科36个月
自然科学学士(环境管理)(Bachelor of Natural Science (Environmental Management))本科理科36个月
自然科学学士(高级)(Bachelor of Natural Science (Advanced))本科理科36个月
初级保健硕士(Master of Primary Health Care)本科生命科学与医学18个月
护理硕士(Master of Nursing)本科生命科学与医学18个月
护理学士(毕业生直入)(Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry) )本科生命科学与医学24个月
健康理科学士(Bachelor of Health Science)本科生命科学与医学36个月
健康理科学士(护理医学)(Bachelor of Health Science(Paramedicine))本科生命科学与医学36个月
健康科学学士(Bachelor of Health Science)本科生命科学与医学36个月
健康科学学士(健康与体育教育)(Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education))本科生命科学与医学36个月
健康科学学士(辅助医学)(Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine))本科生命科学与医学36个月
助产学士(Bachelor of Midwifery)本科生命科学与医学36个月
医学研究学士(Bachelor of Medical Research)本科生命科学与医学36个月
护理学士(Bachelor of Nursing)本科生命科学与医学36个月
护理学士(高级)(Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced))本科生命科学与医学36个月
护理科士(Bachelor of Nursing)本科生命科学与医学36个月
专业治疗学士(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy)本科生命科学与医学48个月
专业治疗学士(荣誉)(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours))本科生命科学与医学48个月
中医学学士(Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine)本科生命科学与医学48个月
中药学士(Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine)本科生命科学与医学48个月
健康科学学士(体育和运动科学)(Bachelor of Health Science (Sport and Exercise Science))本科生命科学与医学48个月
职业治疗学士(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy)本科生命科学与医学48个月
足病医学学士(Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine)本科生命科学与医学48个月
医学学士(Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery)本科生命科学与医学60个月
中医硕士(Master of Chinese Medicine)硕士生命科学与医学18个月
中药硕士(Master of Chinese Medicine )硕士生命科学与医学18个月
护理硕士(Master of Nursing)硕士生命科学与医学18个月
健康科学硕士(Master of Health Science)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
公共健康硕士(Master of Public Health)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
创意音乐疗法硕士(Master of Creative Music Therapy)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
心理治疗与咨询硕士(Master of Psychotherapy and Counselling)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
心理治疗和辅导硕士(Master of Psychotherapy and Counselling)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
护理硕士(职业研究)(Master of Nursing (Professional Studies))硕士生命科学与医学24个月
流行病学硕士(Master of Epidemiology)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
艺术疗法硕士(Master of Art Therapy)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
健康科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Health Science)研究生文凭生命科学与医学12个月
公共健康研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Public Health)研究生文凭生命科学与医学12个月
护理研究生文凭课程(职业研究)(Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Professional Studies))研究生文凭生命科学与医学12个月
流行病学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Epidemiology)研究生文凭生命科学与医学12个月
健康科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Health Science)研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
公共健康研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Public Health)研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
护理研究生证书课程(职业研究)(Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Professional Studies))研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
流行病学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Epidemiology)研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
人类学学士(Bachelor of Anthropology)本科社科36个月
人道主义和发展研究学士(Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies)本科社科36个月
刑事与社区司法学士(Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice)本科社科36个月
刑事和社区司法学士(Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice)本科社科36个月
刑事学学士(Bachelor of Criminology)本科社科36个月
法律学士(毕业生直入)(Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry))本科社科36个月
犯罪学学士(Bachelor of Criminology)本科社科36个月
社会科学学士(Bachelor of Social Science)本科社科36个月
社会科学学士(心理学)(Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology))本科社科36个月
社区福利学士(Bachelor of Community Welfare)本科社科36个月
警务学学士(Bachelor of Policing)本科社科36个月
心理学学士(Bachelor of Psychology)本科社科48个月
法律学士(非毕业生直入)(Bachelor of Laws (Non Graduate Entry))本科社科48个月
社会工作学士(Bachelor of Social Work)本科社科48个月
规划学士(Bachelor of Planning )本科社科48个月
城市管理与规划硕士(Master of Urban Management and Planning)硕士社科12个月
职业心理学硕士(Master of Professional Psychology)硕士社科12个月
人道主义和发展研究硕士(Master of Humanitarian and Development Studies)硕士社科18个月
国际犯罪学硕士(Master of International Criminology)硕士社科18个月
心理治疗和辅导硕士(Master of Psychotherapy and Counselling)硕士社科24个月
社会学硕士(Master of Social Science)硕士社科24个月
社会工作硕士(专业资格)(Master of Social Work (Qualifying))硕士社科24个月
社会工作(资格)硕士(Master of Social Work (Qualifying))硕士社科24个月
社会科学硕士(Master of Social Science)硕士社科24个月
心理学研究生证书课程(Graduate Diploma of Psychology)研究生文凭社科12个月
社会科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Social Science)研究生文凭社科12个月
心理学研究研究生证书课程(Graduate Diploma of Psychological Studies)研究生文凭社科18个月
社会科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Social Science)研究生文凭社科6个月
国际研究学士(Bachelor of International Studies)本科艺术与人文36个月
大众传媒学士(Bachelor of Communication )本科艺术与人文36个月
文学士(Bachelor of Arts)本科艺术与人文36个月
文学学士(Bachelor of Arts)本科艺术与人文36个月
文学学士(笔译与口译)(Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation))本科艺术与人文36个月
语言与语言学学士(Bachelor of Language and Linguistics)本科艺术与人文36个月
语言和语言学学士(Bachelor of Language and Linguistics)本科艺术与人文36个月
音乐学士(Bachelor of Music)本科艺术与人文36个月
文学士(双学位)(Bachelor of Arts(double))本科艺术与人文48个月
设计学士(视觉传达)(Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication))本科艺术与人文48个月
文学、法律双学士(Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws)本科艺术与人文50个月
创意艺术硕士(Master of Creative Arts)硕士艺术与人文18个月
口译与笔译硕士(Master of Interpreting and Translation)硕士艺术与人文24个月
口译和翻译硕士(Master of Interpreting and Translation)硕士艺术与人文24个月
文学和创意写作硕士(Master of Arts in Literature and Creative Writing)硕士艺术与人文24个月
文学硕士(口译和翻译)(Master of Arts Translation and Interpreting Studies)硕士艺术与人文24个月
文学硕士(对外英语教学)(Master of Arts (TESOL))硕士艺术与人文24个月
翻译和对外英语教学硕士(Master of Translation and TESOL)硕士艺术与人文24个月
聚众媒体硕士(Master of Convergent Media)硕士艺术与人文24个月
口译研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Interpreting)研究生文凭艺术与人文12个月
对外英语教学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in TESOL)研究生文凭艺术与人文12个月
对外英语教学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in TESOL)研究生文凭艺术与人文12个月
翻译研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Translation)研究生文凭艺术与人文12个月
聚众媒体研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma in Convergent Media)研究生文凭艺术与人文12个月
口译和翻译研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Interpreting and Translation)研究生文凭艺术与人文6个月
聚众媒体研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Convergent Media)研究生文凭艺术与人文6个月











  西悉尼大学学院的图书馆包括:Bankstown校区图书馆,Cambelltown校区图书馆,Penrith Allen图书馆,Penrith Ward图书馆,当地议会图书馆。开设有两个计算机房,可供学生使用。学生都拥有自己的电子邮件账号,可免费发送电子邮件和访问网络。


以上,就是国际学校小编给大家带来的西悉尼大学开设哪些专业 全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!


























马可波罗国际教育学校开设了语言、科学、数学、社会科学、文学、人文艺术、体育健康等罗格斯科校课程,以及相关大学先修AP课程。除了这些,学校好开设了Lower  Secondary、IGCSE、A-level等英国剑桥课程。




















马可波罗国际教育学校开设了语言、科学、数学、社会科学、文学、人文艺术、体育健康等罗格斯科校课程,以及相关大学先修AP课程。除了这些,学校好开设了Lower  Secondary、IGCSE、A-level等英国剑桥课程。





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