时间:2023-02-10 08:08:34
语文是一个万花筒,总能绽放最美的光彩,激发最快乐的源泉。为了让孩子们感受诗词的美,同时巩固学生本学期所学的知识,在最后的活动周,深圳万科双语学校VVBS小学部各年级语文老师精心设计了适合本年级学生的有趣的知识竞赛,给学生提供题库,在他们做好充分准备后,以竞赛的形式开展。校园书香浸润,活力无限。 Chinese Language is full of elegance to offer joy and vibrance. In order to let students appreicate the essence of poetry and consolidate the knowledge learned in this semester, VBS Chinese Language teachers in primary school held a novelty contest for students on each level in the final week. Students were given questions banks to prepare for their competition. The campus was full of Chinese Language culture and its vibrance. 一年级的趣味竞赛分为“诗词知多少”“书写擂台”“火眼金睛”和“你比我猜”四个环节。学生分为两组,每组12个人,根据题号小组成员依次答题,检测学生诗词背诵、字词书写、课文内容及识字等方面的掌握情况。短短一个小时,孩子们全神贯注参与到比赛当中,为答出问题的同组成员及对方小组报以热烈的掌声,给没有答对的同学以真诚的鼓励,语文素养及团队协作精神在这样的活动中得以体现和培养。 Novelty contest for Primary 1 was divided into four parts: "Poetry challenge", "Handwriting challenge", "Spotting mistakes" and "Cherade". Students were divided into two groups with 12 each. Student took turns to answer questions on memorising poetry, writing characters, textbook content and literacy. Within hour, students participated in the game with full attention, gave warm applause to those who answered questions correctly, and offered sincere encouragement to those who did not. Students developed their Chinese literacy and teamwork spirit in such activities.二年级组开展了“语文诗、词擂台赛”活动。活动内容为“成语组”和“诗词组”,答题形式为小组所有选手必答题和小组抢答题,还有关于必读书目的风险题。每个班分为两个组,孩子们通过商榷组名后,在“石头、剪刀、布”的呐喊中正式开始了。在“你说我猜”成语环节,不仅让我们见识了孩子们睿智的头脑,而且还逗得全场笑得前仰后翻;在抢答环节则紧张激烈,扣人心弦。那屏息凝神的思索,那一阵阵的欢呼声,让孩子们全员尽情地沉浸其中,感受着语文的魅力。最后,通过积分核算,评选出了“最佳参与奖”和“优胜奖”。 Primary 2 students had the contest on idioms and poetry. There were compulsory questions, quick response questions and challenge questions about compulsory reading. Each class was divided into two groups, with their names confirmed, they began by playing"Rock, paper, scissors". In the "Cherade" segment to guess idioms, students showed their intelligence and funny acting out. They were very focused and intense in quick response questions. All the cheers and thinking process allowed students to get involved and experience the Chinese Language. Finally, "best participation award" and "winning award" was chosen after calculating the scores.
三四年级的孩子以VBS的《国学经典读本》为主要竞赛内容,开展“古诗词竞赛”。孩子们早早就完成iPad设置,并按照自愿原则分组,轮流答题。竞赛中,有沉稳思考型的“小学霸”;有抓耳挠腮的“小着急”,还有幽默风趣的小选手。精彩此起彼伏,必答题、选答题、风险题,难度层层递进,将竞赛推向高潮。最让人难以忘怀的是本次竞赛的收尾:原来还有“答问题、盖印章、赢奖品、得奖状”的情节转折,孩子们既惊喜又兴奋。一张张笑脸自然呈现,传统文化的种子就这样在孩子们心中萌芽,语文的美好就这样与孩子们靠近。最后,老师们汇总了每个孩子的印章,举行了隆重的颁奖典礼。 Primary 3 and 4 students were competiting on VBS Chinese Classics readings - "Ancient poetry Contest". Students completed the iPad setup early and took turns answering questions in groups on a voluntary basis. In the competition, there were thinkers who was calm to answer questions, students who tried very hard to search answers as they scratched their ears. There were also humorous contestants. The level of difficulty rose as they answered compulsory questions, optional questions and challenge questions to bring the contest to climax. There was a little surprise at the end of the competition - chops were given for getting the right answers to win prizes and certificates. Students were surprised and excited to accept and embrace the traditional Chinese culture. Finally, teachers gathered everyone's chops and held a grand award ceremony.
VBS致力于培养人格健全、学力卓越,具有国际视野和家国情怀,敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。如何让更多的孩子参与语文课堂、体会学习传统文化的快乐?小学部语文组老师们一直在努力思考和探索实践着,致力于在课堂中提升学生的语文素养,在活动中培养学生语文学习兴趣,让语文之美为孩子们的成长助力。 VBS strives to cultivate Chinese citizens who possess academic excellence and sound personality with international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future. Teachers from Primary school Chinese Language Department are working hard to allow students to participate in class and enjoy the studies of traditional culture by aiming to improve their Chinese Language competencies and develop interests towards Chinese Language in their progress.