


  深圳博纳国际学校是一所面向北美世界一流大学输送本科留学生的国际化学校。在短短两年内,博纳学校已经通过美国西部院校联盟的权威认证,成为深圳目前通过此类认证的唯一国际中学。博纳学校融汇美国公共核心课程标准。博纳学校诞生于国内最精良的学术背景,创始人有着世界一流大学的学历。在顶尖科研机构从事尖端研发的资历、创办深圳最好的国际学校的经历。 同样在短短两年,博纳学校已经蜚声国内外,屡屡在国际竞赛中收获殊荣包括:久负盛名的美国公共政策论坛辩论赛、美国Scholastic艺术与写作比赛、英国青年作者竞赛和加拿大滑铁卢大学数学竞赛。


  Shenzhen Academy of International Education (SAIE) is a college preparatory school located in Shenzhen, Guangdong, the southern province of China. SAIE has been approved by the Accrediting Commission for schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges of the United States, as a Candidate for Accreditation (grade 7 through 12). SAIE has taken step to integrate American Common Core Curriculum and modern teaching Internet communication technologies. SAIE grows from outstanding educational, academic and intellectual pedigree of China. Founders of SAIE including founding members of Shenzhen College of International Education, widely recognized the best international school for domestic Chinese students in China, as well as college professors and world-class researcher from Bell Laboratories, USA. In two short years, SAIE has garnered multiple international accolades in Canada University of Waterloo International Math Competition, the prestigious American International Public Policy Forum Essay/Debate contest (www.ippfdebate.com), American Scholastic Art and Writing Contest (www.artandwriting.com) and UK Young Writers contest.

  At Shenzhen Academy of International Education we aim to prepare students for life in a rapidly changing global community and to cultivate the future cultural elite and influential members of this global community while equipping them to become leaders of the Republic and members of the creative class in a rising China. We encourage them to be enquiring, knowledgeable and caring, showing respect for all people and communities.

  Education is the best investment for our youngsters. International education is the best gift that we can give our children in the coming decades of rising challenge in career change and social mobility. International education represents the best value. Teaching children to be caring and generative, establish ego and integrity will allow every family to thrive and enjoy the time forward. Internation education is the best way to reach such goals. SAIE delivers the best international education of its kind in Shenzhen, China.

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