1997年学校被正式吸纳为联合国教科文组织北京俱乐部协会成员校, 2003年国家教育部指定我校为全国高中新课程改革全国唯一联系校,率先在国内实施新课标。2004年成为北京市第一批通过国家教育部复核验收合格的中外合作办学机构,2008年学校被批准为第一批北京市普通高中自主安排新课程实验校,为我校更深一层推进新课程的改革铺垫了有利的基础,2009年学校获得“首都平安示范校园”称号,2014年学校获得“最具办学特色的国际学校”、“2014全国环境教育示范学校”及“留学杂志榜推荐的国际学校”等称号,2015年学校正式加入世界学校联盟圆方机构,成为中国大陆第一所圆方全球成员校。学校也是国内第一批把国际AP课程引进高中教学的学校,并由美国大学理事会AP考试中心认证,经国家教育部批准,指定为AP课程考试中心。
二、学校校训(School Motto)
The school motto "Wisdom, Virtue, Perseverance and Aspiration" originates from The Great Learning listed in The Four Books and The Five Classics, which says“ Great learning lies in clearly understanding wisdom and virtue, keeping close to the people, and pursuing perfection.”Virtue here covers world view, political view, and ideology. Wisdom and virtue are represented in acquiring and seeking their perfection in world view. “Perseverance and aspiration”means to pursue grandeur with undivided attention and dedication. To sum up, the school regulation demands that everyone in BCCSC make a clear distinction between right and wrong, acquire knowledge and make clear their obligation and responsibility to society, the nation, and its people. This, becomes the new-model for the 21st century, we must set up long-ranged aspirations and goals and strive for the prosperity and success of the nation with unceasing perseverance and courage.
三、学校校徽(College Badge)
The college badge takes the yellow rectangle as the background.The red Maple Leaf and the Great Wall in the middle of the badgerepresents the blending of Chinese and Canadian cultures. CCSC is the abbreviation of the Concord College of Sino-Canada. The badge consists of 3Us, which stand for Chinese Education.
四、学校校旗(College Flag)
The college flag is rectargular in shape.The middle part is yellow and the others are dark blue. The college badge is placed at the centre of the flag.
五、学校校歌(School Song)