






  The Christian Bible begins with the line “In the beginning was the Word…”北京中育贝拉国际高中外方校长图片


  Because we are celebrating a beginning today - ndash; the beginning of a new school year, a beginning on a wonderful new campus, the beginning of a new life adventure for many new teachers and students joining the EduChina International High School community for the first time - ndash; I am inspired by the Bible’s opening verse to think about the idea of “a word.”


  And the word I have in mind today - ndash; one that I hope will guide all of us in every activity, relationship and endeavor that we undertake this year - ndash; is RESPECT.Ironically, the word RESPECT has been getting quite a bit of attention over the past two weeks in the United States (and around the world) because of the recent pass of a very famous and inspirational woman in the field of music.


  Aretha Franklin -  often referred to as the “Queen of Soul” because of her enormous talent and her unrivaled influence on pretty much every popular musician who has ever heard her sing -  has receiving countless tributes and remembrances, and it has been a joy to hear her music and watch videos of her performances that have profoundly touched the lives of millions of people over the years.-- Her most famous song is one called:- You guessed it “R-E-S-P-E-C-T” (don’t worry, out of respect for your ears, I am NOT going to sing it for you-…)


  Why is RESPECT the right word for us to think about as we embark on our year-long journey together as a community?I suggest it is because adopting “RESPECT” as the cornerstone of everything we do will help us to have a successful year and, more importantly, to lead a good life.


  If you respect yourself - ndash; your body, your mind, your personality …; you will take good care of yourself.- If you show respect for your body, you will stay healthy by committing to daily exercise, eating well, getting proper rest and maintaining good hygiene.  If you respect your mind you will challenge it by considering new ideas, learning new skills, and doing the hard work that it takes to train your brain to be a good student.  If you respect your personality, you will develop the confidence to do what is right, the courage to take a risk, the awareness of the importance of being able to laugh at yourself, and the understanding that honesty should be the core of who you are.  Respect yourself.


  If you respect your environment - your local surrounding as well as the larger world beyond -- you will be mindful about care for what has been given to you.  If you show respect for the beautifully renovated spaces on our new campus, you will keep it as neat and clean throughout the year as it is today.  You will pick up after yourself - even if it is not your rubbish.  You will treat the equipment and tools of learning - your classroom spaces, dormitory room, books, computers, furniture, sports equipment, playing fields - with care and attention.  You will not take for granted how fortunate we are to have such a place to live and learn, and you will care for it as if it were your own ; because it is. And if you show respect for the environment beyond the gates of our campus, you will work to become aware of the significant threats that all of us are facing on our plant.  You will try to be more ecologically aware and responsible in the way you use electricity, the way you dispose of your trash, and the way you become politically aware of what the issues are and how you can influence positive change.  Respect your surroundings.


  And finally, if you respect others, you will become known for your kindness and your goodness.  You will be a caring, loyal and trustworthy friend.  If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse, you will treat that person with the special kind of respect that defines love for another person.  You will respect those around you that you do not particularly like -this is a hard one -because to not respect them so sours a relationship, it can only lead to discord and ill-will within the community.  And you will make it a point to respect the people all around you who work hard -- very hard -- on your behalf.  You will respect your parents by doing your best.  You will respect your teachers by committing to truly pushing yourself to absorb the lessons and wisdom and experience they are eager to share with you. You will respect the members of our community that are easy to overlook - the people cooking and serving your meals every day, the ladies mopping the floors and cleaning the toilets, the men pulling the weeds and guarding the gates.  You will remember that they - perhaps more than anyone -deserve your respect and your awareness of how hard they work, how little recognition they get for it, and how much their efforts make your own life better and more fulfilling. Respect others.


  A little respect goes a long way.It is my hope for myself, for the faculty, for the staff, for the students, for the parents- for the entire EduChina Beijing community this year -that mutual RESPECT will be the star we use to guide us on the journey that we are about to undertake together.


  外方校长:Joe Doggett

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