离别始无期,相逢终有时 | 上海协和双语高级中学2020毕业典礼
时间:2023-02-10 12:14:12
今天GJXX小编搜罗了离别始无期,相逢终有时 | 上海协和双语高级中学2020毕业典礼希望给择校的家长们提供参考。
尽管经历了疫情这一特殊阶段,上海协和双语高级中学2020届毕业班的卓越学子们最终还是顺利迎来了属于自己的毕业季。在全体师生的共同努力下,大家不仅拥有了颇具纪念意义的毕业照,同时也在蓝天白云下举行了难忘的毕业典礼,于美好祝福声中奔向更为璀璨的未来。 Despite of the epidemic, Our Graduates of 2020 managed to graduated from SUIS-Gubei successfully. With the joint efforts of all the teachers, staff and students, we took the graduation photo and also held a memorable graduation ceremony in campus.毕业典礼在学生乐队的演奏中拉开序幕。我校校长Walsh先生与校长陈杰妮女士先后上台致辞,为毕业生们送上最真挚的祝愿并向到场毕业生们颁发毕业证书。学生们也相继登台表演各展才艺,以歌声向同学、老师与在座的父母表达内心的感激与喜悦。 The graduation ceremony kicked off with the students’ band. Mr. Walsh, principal of our school, and Jenny Chen, co-principal of our school, delivered speeches on the stage one after another, offering best wishes to all the graduates. Diplomas were conferred on members of the graduating class. The students also went on stage and did their show. There was a general feeling of cheer. 正如陈杰妮校长致辞中所说的那样,2020届毕业生作为疫情后第一批步入大学的学子,势必要思考当今的巨变,不得不面对崭新未知的新秩序,也必须冲破习以为常的舒适区,未来的道路并非一帆风顺。人生每个阶段都有不同的挑战:学业压力、身体抱恙、心情不适、人际困顿、事业停顿乃至财务窘迫…… 然而我们坚信,在协和古北长大的孩子具备适应不断变化的意识与抵抗挫折的能力,不骄不躁积极乐观。他们在未来的人生道路上,一定会勇往直前,实现自己的梦想。 As Jenny Chen, co-principal of our school, said: the Graduates of 2020, as the first batch of students to enter the university after the epidemic, will have to face the unknown and break out of their comfort zone. The road ahead will not be easy. There are all kinds of different challenges at every stage of life: academic burden, emotional distress, career breakdown, even financial pressure... However, the children who growing up from SUIS-Gubei shall have steady mind when they in the face of those uncertainty, rejection and frustration. We do believe their will enable to acclimate the request of the times growth and have a bright future!