时间:2022-01-27 20:49:45
SUIS Gubei enjoyed another fantastically successful trip to the United States to join the tournament of champions round of the World Scholars Cup. This trip was the biggest one yet with 27 students attending the competition based in Yale University. The students came back with 119 medals between them. Each medal represents the preparation, teamwork and tenacity of all of the students involved. Joanna Xuan, a WSC scholar and Grade 10 student, records her thoughts and memories of the trip:
27 students from SUIS Gubei, including me, set off to Yale University for World Scholars Cup. We had gone through two rounds of rigorous qualifications and heavy preparation, to arrive at the final and last round of the season, the Tournament of Champions.
此次包括我在内的27名协和古北学生前往耶鲁大学参加2019年度世界学者杯。历经艰苦的备赛及两轮严苛的资格赛 ,我们最终进入了本赛季的最终轮 —— 冠军杯。
The competition consists of 4 events, the Challenge, Bowl, Writing, and Debate. The themes and questions in these events revolve around the themes and curriculum set by the World Scholar’s Cup team, posted on their website at the start of every season. My favourite and one of the more unique parts of the competition is the Bowl. My team and I sat in a giant hall with thousands of other scholars, working earnestly to answer dozens of multiple-choice questions that relate to both the themes and real-world events.
The other events of the competition also provided many memorable experiences, The debate allowed us to meet a lot of other brilliant students from all over the world and debate and discuss creative but serious motions, such as “Should CEOs be forced to take a course on philanthropy?” Through discussion, we are allowed to explore the themes and share our unique perspectives on them. I really enjoyed the debates, even if we lost, because the philosophy of the World Scholars Cup allows us to embrace our losses, by calling them ‘lollipops’.
赛事中的其他几个项目也都给我们留下了深刻的印象,绝对是一次难能可贵的经历。 团队辩论赛中我们结识了来自世界各地的优秀学生们,并一同讨论了不少严肃又不乏创意的议题,比如“慈善课程是否应该成为CEO们的必修课?”通过辩论,我们分享彼此的独到见解和想法。即便没能赢取最终胜利,但这一过程仍让我们享受其中。
Finally, almost all scholars would agree that the award ceremony is the most anticipated event. Medals are handed out to the best performing scholars, celebrating their achievements. Almost everyone has a chance at getting medals, if not multiple.
Throughout the competition and other events, such as the scholar’s scavenge, I made a lot of friends, both alpaca and human. I thoroughly enjoyed every part of the competition, and it is an unforgettable experience that I definitely recommend to other students.