Happy Founder's Day 耀华上海园楚珩日庆祝活动——上海耀华国际教育幼儿园
时间:2023-02-09 14:28:11
今天GJXX小编搜罗了Happy Founder's Day 耀华上海园楚珩日庆祝活动——上海耀华国际教育幼儿园希望给择校的家长们提供参考。
2019年10月11日,上海耀华国际教育幼儿园举行了“楚珩日”校庆活动,庆祝耀中、耀华国际教育机构成立87周年。曾楚珩女士于1932年创办了耀中国际学校,为香港及内地学生提供优质双语教育已有87年。基于耀中国际学校多年教育经验之上,曾楚珩女士的女儿陈保琼博士以及董事局主席叶国华教授,创办了耀华国际教育系列学校。“耀”意谓“光耀”,之所以取名耀中、耀华,寓意“光耀中华”。曾楚珩女士着重“全人教育”,希望通过教育把最宝贵的讯息传递给孩子。她的办学精神已成为一个聚集点,团结了耀华、耀中各个学校,让大家为了共同的教育使命凝聚在一起。为了表达对曾楚珩女士的敬意,我们特定每年10月的第二个星期五为建校日。 We commemorate the founder, Madam Tsang Chor-hang, of all Yew Chung and Yew Wah schools through organizing the Founder’s Day (The 2nd Friday of October each year) as an annual event. This year, the founder’s day held on October 11, 2019, the theme of the Founder’s Day event was SPORTS in order to promote a sense of belonging, unity and spirit among all our children.丰富多彩的体育活动 我们将“楚珩日”定为运动日,在当天,学生、教职员工及非教职员工将参与不同类型的体育活动、强身健体,培养对学校归属感及团队精神。 In these games, children can strengthen their physical abilities of flexibility, coordination and team work. We hope our children have a strong body and positive mind to explore this wonderful world. 历经87载,桃李天下,让我们继续追随我们的使命稳步前进!祝福耀华的明天更加美好! The events of the Founder's Day ended in a happy and hopeful atmosphere. Best Wishes for Yew Wah and Yew Chung.