
  安杰 An Sir 成都七中嘉祥外国语学校副校长、嘉祥国际高中部校长

  嘉祥国际高中一直希望“不仅帮助学生成功留学,更要帮助学生留学成功”。基于此,我们希望让学生更早更深入地体验西方教育。我们希望通过汲取和融合中西方教育的精华,让学生在学术研究能力(Ability of Academic Research)、独立思考能力(Ability of Critical Thinking)、团队协作能力 (Ability of Team Collaboration)、展示演讲能力(Ability of Presentation and Public Speech)、领导组织能力 (Ability of Advanced Leadership)得以提高,真正让学生“为了成功 做好准备”。

  Roberto A. Santos 嘉祥国际高中部外籍学术校长

  At JXFLS-IHS, we are collectively committed to preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century. Consequently, our staff has very high expectations for all students. While focus on the core academics is top priority, building a well-rounded citizen ready for the challenges of life beyond high school is critical to student success. Students must have the critical-thinking, teamwork, and technological skills to be competitive in the ever-evolving global economy. We must continue to work to prepare students for the rigors of college and the work force.

  As the Academic Principal, it is important to me that everyone who steps through our doors-staff, students, and parents is excited to be here with high expectations! This attitude enables us to meet the challenges of academic excellence in a positive, fun and nurturing environment.Throughout the year I will be posting a blog with information that I hope you will find interesting.

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