时间:2022-01-27 13:23:35
为了更加全面更加专业地解答我校的升学指导服务,我们特别邀请到德威国际教育集团的国际拓展与校友联络总监Mr. Lucien Giordano来访我校举办专题讲座。申请10年级的家长将有机会在会后与招生老师进行小规模的专题答疑,为您深度解析高中学生的升学路径。
Dehong International Chinese Schools are sister schools to the Dulwich College International schools, to pursue the excellence of academic result. Last year, DCI’s IB students achieved an average of 38 points (against a world average of 29.9). Thus, the confidence for future graduated Dehong students to make such achievement are strong too.
The Dehong University counselling success plan is tailored to students and their individual needs. In order for students to be well informed as they pursue university and career options, students begin receiving career and university counselling from Grade 6 by experienced and professional university and career counsellors in a group or on an individual basis.
In order to answer this service more comprehensively and professionally, we have invited Mr. Lucien Giordano, Dulwich College International’s Director of International Outreach and Alumni Engagement to give us a special lecture.
Interested parents are welcome to scan the QR code on the poster above to sign up!